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Extended Mace Format by

Basic inform­ation


Standing orders

1st Prop-7 minute speech
1st Opp-7 minute speech
2nd Prop-7 minute speech
2nd Opp-7 minute speech
Floor debate
3rd Opp-4 minute speech (summary)
3rd Prop-4 minute speech (summary)

Categories Judged

25 % for each of the following:
Reasoning and evidence
Listening and response
Expression and delivery
Organi­sation and priori­tis­ation

Excelling at each category


Each category

Reasoning and evidence: analysis, memorable and descri­ptive examples and stakeh­older analysis

Listening and response: POIs and specific adapted rebuttal

Expression and delivery: sounding author­itative through signpo­sting, clear and definitive speaking, eye contact, rhetorical questions and lists of three

Organi­sation and priori­tis­ation: having structured and signposted speeches which are clear in their contri­bution, having good time manage­ment, using framing, priori­tising points and having a consistent team line


Make sure to take into account ALL categories before deciding who won
Divide up a sheet of A4 and use different colours to make it easy after the debate to see who contri­buted what and how each point was rebutted

Prep time

30 minutes


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