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GCSE Edexcel - Meiosis and Mitosis Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

GCSE Edexcel - Meiosis and Mitosis

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Multic­ellular organisms need cells to divide so that organisms can grow and repair damaged tissue.
Cells divide when an organism grows or becomes damaged.
Before a cell can divide, it must grow and make copies of all the organelles such as mitoch­ondria and ribosomes.
During mitosis, the two complete sets of chromo­somes are pulled to opposite sides of the cell.

Main Differ­ences

Number of cell divisions
2 (meiosis I and II)
Daughter charac­ter­istics
Identical to each other and to parent cell, diploid
All daughter cells are unique, haploid
Biological signif­icance
Good for asexual reprod­uction, growth
Production of gametes

Mitosis Stages

DNA copies itself ready for mitosis, cell spends the majority of its life in this phase
The DNA in chromo­somes and their copies condenses to become more visible.
Chromo­somes and their copies line up in the middle of the cell.
Chromo­somes and their copies are pulled to different ends of the cell.
New membranes form around chromo­somes at each end of the cells.
The cell membrane pinches in and eventually divides into two daughter cells.


Meiosis is a type of cell division in sexually reprod­ucing organisms that reduces the number of chromo­somes in gametes.
It produces four haploid non-id­entical cells.
Meiosis produces haploid gametes, so that when they fuse, the diploid number of chromo­somes is restored.