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Display an inform­ation on the screen
Change number to an integer
Change number to an decimal number
Ask for the inform­ation from the user
A list of number, letter and symbols
Length of the string
''' '''
Multiple Line Comment

Reverse A Word

while True:
   word = input(­"­Please enter a word")
   index = 0
   reverse = ' '

#while int(index) < len(word):
#   reverse = word[i­ndex] + (reverse)
#   index = int(index) + 1
for letter in word:
     reverse = letter + reverse
print ("Re­verse: ", reverse)

Countdown Code

user_n­umber = input(­"­Please enter a number: ")
number = int(us­er_­number)
countd­own­_string = ''
while number > 0:
countd­own­_string = countd­own­_string + str(nu­mber)
number = number - 1
print (count­dow­n_s­tring)


while list_num < len(shopping_list)
    list_num = list_num + 1
for item in in shopping lost:
    print (item)


import random

# Create a list of integers
intlist = [1,2,3,4]
random_int = random.choice(intlist)
print (random_int) #print the entire list and the random item

# Create a list of floating point numbers
fplist = [0.2,0.3,0.4]
random_fp = random.choice(fplist)
print (random_fp) #print the entire list and the random item

# Create a list of strings
strlist = ("ABC","DEF","GHI")
random_str = random.choice(strlist)
print (random_str) #print the entire list and the random item

# Create a list of integers and floating point numbers and strings
mylist = (2,3,0.4,"Hello")
random_item = random.choice(mylist)
print (random_item) #print the entire list and the random item

# Create a list of the following variables
myvar1 = 1
myvar2 = 2
myvar3 = 3
varlist = [myvar1, myvar2, myvar3]
random_var = random.choice(varlist)
print (random_var) #print the entire list and the random item


equal to
no equal to
less than
more than
less than or equal
Modulo, Calculate for Remainder

Convert To Hex

while True:
    user_number = input("Please enter your number: ")
    number = int(user_number)
    hex_string = ''
    while (number > 0 ):
        remainder = number % 16
        if remainder == 10:
            hex_string = "A" + hex_string
        elif remainder == 11:
            hex_string = "B" + hex_string
        elif remainder == 12:
            hex_string = "C" + hex_string
        elif remainder == 13:
            hex_string = "D" + hex_string
        elif remainder == 14:
            hex_string = "E" + hex_string
        elif remainder == 15:
            hex_string = "F" + hex_string
        elif remainder < 10:
            hex_string = str(remainder) + hex_string
        number = number // 16
    print ("Hexadeimal string is 0x"+ hex_string)

Area Of The Circle Code

while True:
    user_radius = input("What is your radius of a circle? ")
    radius = float(user_radius)
    pi = float(3.1415)
    area = (pi)  (radius) * 2
    print("The area of the circle", area)

Upper and Lower Case

name = "one two"

print (name.u­­p­p­er()) → ONE TWO
print (name.l­­o­w­er()) → one two
print (name.c­­a­p­i­ta­­lize()) → One two
print (name.t­­i­t­le()) → One Two


reserved memory locations to store values. This means that when you create a variable you reserve some space in memory
A list of character such as number, letter and symbols
Integer Number
Whole Number or Counting Number
Grammar of Python
Floating Point
Number in Decimal

Example Of Codes

2 – integer
2.5 – floating point
Print (“Hello”) – string
mystring = 123 – variable
Print (mystr­­,”­H­i­”,­­2,1.0) -- commas

mystr = “Hi”
mystr ← variable name
“Hi” ← value that can be change

print (int(1.5)) → 1
print (int(“2”)) → 2
print (float(1)) → 1.0

Modulo­­/R­e­m­ainder %
print (4%2) → 0
print (30%7) → 2

Multip­lic­ation And String

String * Number 
Ex. String * 5 = String String String String String
String * String = Crash !
Number * Number = Multiply (Math)
Ex. 5 * 4 = 20
String ** String = CRASH!
Number ** Number = Exponent (Math)
Ex. 5**2 = 25
String ** Number = CRASH!

Guessing Game

import random
game_over = 1
chances = 5
score = 0
word = ['Dog','Cat','Fish','Pig','Elephant']
random_word = random.choice(word)

while game_over != 0:
    print ("Word:",(word))
    guess_word = input("Guess a word: ")
    if guess_word == random_word:
        print ("That's Correct Guess!")
        print ("------------------------------------------------------")
        score = score + 100
        print ("Score:",(score))
        random_word = random.choice(word)
        if guess_word != random_word:
            chances = chances - 1
            print ("Chances Remaining:",chances)
            if guess_word in word:
                print ("Sorry,Wrong Choice!")
                print ("------------------------------------------------------")
                print ("Sorry That is not even in the list")
                print ("------------------------------------------------------")
        if chances == 0:
            game_over = 0
            print ("Game Over!")
            print ("The word was",(random_word))
            print ("Final Score:",(score))


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