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Types and explinations for conformity Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Social influence

Types of conformity
Influence accepted to achieve favourable reaction
Majority perceived to be right/ more knowle­dgeable
Majority influence accepted due to views perceived as right & indiv believes they’re wrong
Explin­ations for conformity
Normative social influence
Indiv conforms to gain approval, believ they’re under survei­llance
Inform­ational social influence
Results from desire to be right - more likely in ambiguous situation


ISI depends on task
Tasks w/ clear objective - ISI is less likely eg. What city has the highest pop? Ldn, Man,Ply
Witten­brinch and Henley (1996)
Exposed ppts to neg info about African Americans [believed these were maj views] later found they reported more neg beliefs about AA’s
Shultz et al.
Exposed hotel guests to info that 75% of guests were reusing their towels. Ppts then gen reduced their own usage by about 25%