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pipenv Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A quick reference for pipenv that captures all of its useful commands/operations.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


pip3 install pipenv

Package instal­lation

pipenv install <pkg name>
pipenv install <pkg name>=­=<v­er>
pipenv install requests
pipenv install flask=­=0.12.1
pipenv install -e git+ht­tps­://­git­­m/r­equ­est­s/r­equ­est­s.g­it#­egg­=re­quests

Production Enviro­nment based package Install

pipenv install pytest --dev

Activate your pipenv enviro­nment

pipenv shell

Deactivate your pipenv enviro­nment

(myenv)$ exit

Running a script

pipenv run python

Run other commands in the env

pipenv run <insert command here>

Run other commands in the env

pipenv run <insert command here>

Install from requir­eme­nts.txt

pipenv install -r pathto/requirements.txt

Uninstall a Package

pipenv uninstall <pkg name>
pipenv uninstall --all
to uninstall all packages

Pip Freeze

pipenv lock -r