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Cheat Sheet for SWATT

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Keywords usable only outside TESTs

Controls the warning options passed to gcc.
Add a pre-de­fined feature package to SWATT Test Runner

Keywords usable inside TEST, INIT

This keyword adds a tag in the log file that will create a descri­ption in the test report
This keyword adds a tag in the log file that will create an execution enviro­nment and a test enviro­nment in the test report
Logs the tracea­bility info (requi­rement ID, design element ID, archit­ecture ID or change manage­ment) (in the log which is late transf­erred in the report and tracta­bility reports).
This keyword adds a tag in the log to indicate the maturity level of the test
This keyword can be mixed with C code, when is executed marks the test as skipped and logs the reason why the test is skipped.
This keyword can be mixed with C code, and shall be used from the INIT or another helper function called from INIT
Creates a fatal error (message display followed by the crash of the test script)
Prints the message (messa­ge... is the same format as for printf) to the log file only.
Allows backward propag­ation of the info regarding the failure of a function call
This keyword adds a precon­dition tag in the log file with the message from parameter which is used for CSV export for DOORS.
This keyword adds a procedure tag in the log file with the message from parameter which is used for CSV export for DOORS
This keyword adds a postco­ndition tag in the log file with the message from parameter which is used for CSV export for DOORS
This keyword adds an expect­ed_­result tag in the log file with the message from parameter which is used for CSV export for DOORS
This increments the numbering for Test Procedure and Test Expected Result.

Coverage Justif­ication Syntax

Single Line Justification

if (x == 0xFF) 
      y = 3; / SWATT-coverage-line text explaining lack of coverage / 

Multiple Line Justification

/ SWATT-coverage-off text explaining lack of coverage / 
if (x == 0xFF) 
      y = 3; 
/ SWATT-coverage-on /