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Transcultural Diversity Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Culture, Ethnicity, and Race

The values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, behaviors, and customs unique to particular group of people and passed from one generation to the next. It is often defined as a set of rules and is learned, shared, social in nature, dynamic, and constantly changing.
A classi­fic­ation of people based on national origin and/or culture. Members of an ethnic group may share a common heritage, geographic location, social customs, language, and beliefs.
A classi­fic­ation of people based on physical or biological charac­ter­istics such as the color of skin, hair, and eyes; facial features; blood type; and bone structure.
Assimi­lation vs Accult­uration
New group alters own ways and adopts dominant ways vs learning the beliefs and behaviors of the dominant culture and assuming some of the charac­ter­istics slowly over a long period of time

Unders­tanding Cultural Diversity

Nuclear Family
Mother, Father, Child, generally the basic unit for European American families.
Extended Family
Includes the nuclear family plus grandp­arents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Generally the basic unit for Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans.
Personal space
Eye contact

Health Concepts

Health Concep­ts/­Cause of Illness
Tradit­ional Healers
Treatment Method­s/Pain Response
South African
Maintain harmony of body, mind, spirit, and nature. Ilness can be prevented by diet, rest, and cleanl­iness, caused by the supern­atural (spirits, demonds, punishment from God, confli­ct/­dis­harmony in life)
Root doctor, folk practi­tio­ners, voodoo healer
Restore harmony, prayer­/me­dit­ation, herbs, roots, poultices, oils, religious rituals, charms, talismans, and amulets. Tolerating pain is sign of strength, will express too.
Health is a state of physical and spiritual harmony with nature. Balance of two energy forces (yin or cold and yang or hot). Illness caused by imbalance between yin and yang, supern­atural spirits like God, evil spirits, or ancestral spirits, or unhealthy enviro­nment.
Herbalist, physician, shaman healer
Cold or hot remedies to restore balance, acupun­cture, acupre­ssure, medita­tion, energy to restore balance. Pain bust be accepted and endured silently. Public pain display brings disgrace, may refuse pain medica­tion.
Health can be maintained by diet, rest, and exercise. Immuni­zations and preven­tative practices help maintain health. Good health is a personal respon­sib­ility. Illness caused by outside sources like germs, pollut­ants, or contam­inants. Also could be punishment for sins, lack of cleanl­iness, or due to self-abuse (drugs).
Physician, nurse
Medica­tions, surgery, diet, exercise, home remedies, self-care, prayer­/re­ligious rituals. Some express pain loudly and emotio­nally, other value self-c­ontrol. Medica­tions!
Health is a reward from God, good luck, balance between hot and cold forces. Illness caused by punishment from God for sins, susto (fright), mal ojo (evil eye), enviada (envy), imbalance b/w hot and cold.
Native healers, curandero, espiri­tua­lista, yerbero, brujo
Hot/cold remedies, prayers, medals, candles. and religious rituals. Herbal remedies, especially teas, massage, anointing with oil, wearing an Azabache. Express pain verbal­ly/­accept treatment, others feel pain is meant to be endured.
Middle Eastern
Health is caused by spiritual forces, cleanl­iness is essential for health, male indivi­duals dominate and make decisions on health­care. Illness caused by spiritual forces, punishment for sins, evil spirits, or "evil eye".
Tradit­ional healers, physician
Medita­tion, charms, amulets with verses of the Koran, medica­tions and surgery, male health profes­sionals limited, tolerating pain sign of strength, self-i­nfl­icted is a sign of grief
Native American
Health is harmoney between man and nature, balance among body, mind, and spirit, spiritual powers control body's harmony. Illness caused by supern­atural forces and evil spirits, violation of a taboo, imbalance between man and nature
Shaman, medicine man
Rituals, charms, and masks, prayer and meditation to restore harmony with nature, plants and herbs, medicine bang, bundle of herbs and blessed by medicine man, sweat lodges, or total immersion in water. Pain is normal part of life, tolerance signifies strength and power.