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Git Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Git & Github Cheat Sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


git config --global "­[na­me]­"
Set the name you want attached to your commit transa­ctions
git config --global "­[email addres­s]"
Set the email you want attached to your commit transa­ctions


git init
Creates a new local repository with the specified name
git clone [repo url]
Downloads a project and its entire version history


git status
List changed files in your working directory
git diff
List changes to tracked files
git diff --staged
List file differ­ences between staging and the last file version
git add .
Add all current changes to the next commit
git add -p [file-­name]
Add some changes in [file-­name] to the next commit
git commit -m " [commit msg] "
Commit local changes and add msg
git commit -a
Commit all local changes in tracked files
git commit --amend
Change the last commit*
git reset <fi­le>
Unstage the file, but preserve its contents
* Don‘t amend published commits!


git branch
List all local branches in the current repository
git branch [branc­h-name]
Create new [branch] based on your current HEAD
git branch -d [branc­h-name]
Delete specified branch
git checkout [branc­h-name]
Switch HEAD branch
git merge [branc­h-name]
Merge [branc­h-name] into your current HEAD
git tag [tag-name]
Mark the current commit with a tag
cat .git/HEAD
See what HEAD points too
You can think of the HEAD as the "­current branch­". When you switch branches with
git checkout
, the HEAD revision changes to point to the tip of the new branch.


git remote show [remot­e-name]
Show inform­ation about a remote
git remote -v
List all currently configured remotes
git branch -dr [remot­e]/­[br­anch]
Delete a branch on the remote
git fetch [remote]
Download all changes from [remote] but do'nt integrate into HEAD
git pull [remote] [branch]
Download changes and directly merge/­int­egrates into HEAD
git push [remote] [branch]
Publish local changes on a remote
git push --tags
Publish your tags
git merge [remot­e]/­[br­anch]
Combine the remote [branch] into your current HEAD
git pull
Download bookmark history and incorp­orates changes
git add <re­sol­ved­-fi­le>
Use your editor to manually solve conflicts and (after resolving) mark file as resolved
git rm <re­sol­ved­-fi­le>
Use your editor to manually solve conflicts and (after resolving) mark file as resolved


git log
Show all commits, starting with newest
git log -p [file-­name]
Show changes over time for a specific file
git blame [file-­name]
Who changed what and when in [file-­name]
git show [commi­t-ID]
Output metadata and content changes a specific commit


git reset --hard HEAD
Discard all local changes in your working directory
git checkout HEAD [file]
Discard local changes in a specific file
git revert [commit]
Revert a commit (by producing a new commit with contrary changes)
git reset --hard [commit]
Discard all history and changes back to the specified commit
git reset [commit]
Revert a commit (by producing a new commit with contrary changes) and preserve all changes as unstaged changes
git reset --keep [commit]
Revert a commit (by producing a new commit with contrary changes) and preserve uncomm­itted local changes


workspace working directory
index staging area
local repository HEAD