Most common and important commands for Firefox's extension Tridactyl. Source :
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Navigating current page
Scroll up/down |
j/k |
Scroll left/right |
h/l |
Scroll to top/bottom of page |
gg/G |
Reload/Hard reload |
r/R |
Focus the last-used input on page |
gi |
Copy URL page to clipboard |
yy |
Go to parent of current URL |
gu |
Go to root domain of current URL |
gU |
Zoom in/Zoom out/Default |
zi/zo/zz |
Jump to the next/previous part of the page |
<C-f>/<C-b> |
Navigating tabs
Close current tab |
d |
Reopen last tab (or window) closed |
u |
Go to next/previous tab |
gt/gT |
List tabs |
b (Tab/Tab-Shirt to navigate list) |
Go to first/last tab |
g^ OR g0/g$ |
Go to tab playing audio |
ga |
Go to last active tab |
g^ |
General commands
Activate command line |
: |
Enable/disable ignore mode |
Shift+Insert |
Repeat last command |
. |
Hint mode |
f |
Visual mode |
v |
Bypass bindings |
<C-v> |
Navigate to new pages
Open URL in current tab |
o/O (pre-loads current URL) |
Open URL in new tab |
t/T (pre-loads current URL) |
Open URL in new window |
w/W (pre-loads current URL) |
Opens clipboard content in current/new tab |
p/P |
Engine search in current/new tab |
s/S |
Go to pages set with "set home [url1]..." |
gh/gH |
Visual mode
Activate |
v |
Mouse select |
/ (search results) |
Visual mode keybinds |
Expand/reduce by 1 char |
h/l |
To end of line |
$ |
To begining of line |
0 |
Expand to next/previous word |
e/b |
Expand to next/previous line |
j/k |
Expand progressively to whole page |
= |
Search for selection |
s/S |
Yank to clipboard |
y |
Hint mode
Note : Hint characters should be typed in lowercase |
Semicolon can be replaced by the command ":hint -" |
Enter Hint mode |
f |
Open link in background tab |
F |
Extented hint mode |
Open image in current/new tab |
;i/;I |
Save/ Save-as the linked source |
;s/;a |
Save / Save-as the select image |
;S/;A |
Copy an element's text to the clipboard |
;p |
copy an element's title/alt text to the clipboard |
;P |
copy an element's link URL to the clipboard |
;y |
copy an element's anchor URL to the clipboard |
;# |
read the element's text with text-to-speech |
;r |
Kill an element of the page |
;k |
Kill an element (can be restored) |
;K (:elementunhide) |
focus an element |
;; |