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HNR Change Management Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Kotter: Leading change

Actions needed
1. Establish a sense of urgency
Must be powerful, must be a team
Paralyzed by risk, undere­sti­mating enertia
2. Forming a powerful guiding coalition
Must be powerful, must be a team
No team experience at top, leadership must be with senior line manager (don't give to HR)
3. Create the vision
Vision and strategy
Too compli­cated or vague (5 min test)
4. Commun­icate the vision
Constant commun­ica­tion, find good cases/­exa­mples
Underc­omm­uni­cating, behaving in anti-e­thical ways to the vision
5. Empowering others to act on the vision
Remove obstacles, more risk, change systems / structures
Failing to remove powerful resistors
6. Planning for and creating short term wins
Plan for visible improv­ements, reward the employees who do them
Leaving quick wins to chance, failing to score success in first 12-24 months
7. Consol­idating improv­ements and producing still more change
Use increased credib­ility to change system
Declaring victory too soon (get more data), allowing resistors to convince their troops they won
8. Instit­uti­onalize new approaches
Show connec­tions between new behaviour and success - ensure leadership develo­pment
Not creating now norms and values, promoting people who do not personify the approach

Change when biz is good

Gather employees input
Open discus­sion, let them air it out
Analyse input
Find themes
Revise your values
..and invite input again
Identify obstacles to living them
Look at feedback to find obstacles
Launch initia­tives to remove obstacles
Instead of galvan­izing people through fear of failure, you have to galvanize them through hope and aspira­tion.

Tempered radicals

Disruptive self-e­xpr­ession
Demons­trate values through language, dress, decor, behaviour
Most personal
Verbal Jujitsu
Redirect negative actions to positive change (the "­Sue­" case)
Variable term opport­unism
Grasp short term opport­uni­ties, plan long term opport­uni­ties. Also, share power etc with employees to brand your department
Strategic alliance building
Focus less on enemies, more on alliances. Don't think of opponents as enemies.
Most public
Organi­sations change in two ways: drastic action or through evolut­ionary adapti­on.I­nc­rem­ental changes can be so increm­ental that they do not merit notice - which is why they work.

Case on p 72 (canteen)



2. Change through persuasion

Phase 1: Set the stage for acceptance
Well in advance! Develop a bold message that provides compelling reasons to do things differ­ently. 3rd party reports are good.
Phase 2: Frame the turnaround plan
Present your turnaround plan in a way that helps people interpret you ideas correctly
Phase 3: Manage the mood
Strike a balance of optimism and realism, make employees feel cared for (pain of layoffs, then focus on creating a world class medical facility (in their honour))
Phase 4: Prevent backsl­iding
Provide opport­unities for employees to practice desired behaviour, publicly criticize wrong behavior
Planning it
Page 23 has a plan
Repeat, repeat, repeat, get it into all conver­sat­ions.
Ways to stop change:
A culture of "­no"
Two symptoms: a culture of analysis and criticism, and complex multi-­app­roval decision processes.
The show must go on
Spending too much time on powerp­oints than on the decisions. Too much form, not enough content
The grass is always greener
Ignore the problem, build new products. Problem doesn't go away.
After the meeting, debate begins
Coop meetings followed by resist­ance. Meddling and politics.
Ready, aim, aim, aim...
Analysis paralysis, too many reports, not enough decisions
This too shall pass
People ignore the initia­tive, because of failed earlier attempts.
They did a memo for phase 2, in 3 parts. 1st section was to mollify critics and reduce fears by being positive and uplifting and laying out what would remain the same (world class etc). 2nd section set expect­ations for hard measures and pointed to 3rd party report. 3rd section antici­pated and responded to prospe­ctive concerns, looking at past plans and their failure.

Tipping point

Break through the cognitive hurdle
Make them experience the pain
Sidestep the resource hurdle
80/20 or most bang for the buck - no inflated budgets
Jump the motiva­tional hurdle
Influence key influe­ncers and the rest will follow
Knock over the political hurdle
Hire an oldtimer who knows the game and finds the opponents who can then be dealt with
Manage your enviro­nment:
Operate in and above
Dancefloor to balcony
Court the uncomm­itted
You want the uncertain ones, they are the critical mass
Cook the conflict
Raise the temper­ature to confront hidden conflicts, lower it to prevent turmoil
Place the work where it belongs
PIppen case
Manage yourself:
Restrain your need for control and import­ance. Anchor yourself.
Overall: Once the critical mass has been moved, the rest of the organi­sation will follow