Data types
name |
value |
string |
"anything1234!@£$%" |
integer |
1234 |
float |
1.2345 |
bool |
True/False |
Variable naming rules
1. Easy to remember |
2. Short |
3. No spaces |
4. Cannot start with a number |
5. Can only contain letters, numbers and underscores |
Collections and generics
Name |
Usage |
Code |
List |
Multiple items in one variable |
["apple", "banana", "strawberry"] |
Dictionary |
Multiple key-value pairs in one variable |
{"hello": "world"} |
cast |
what it does |
str() |
converts to a string |
int() |
converts to an integer |
float() |
converts to a float |
Casting is used to convert between values. It needs to occur before doing any mathematical calculations with an input() from a user because user input is always strings.
Variable assignment
name = "abcdef123"
age = 18
height = 3.14
Useful python functions
print("text") |
outputs text to screen |
input("text") |
prints text and allows input from a user |
round(3.14) |
rounds a float down to an integer |
symbol |
meaning |
== |
equal to |
> |
larger than |
< |
less than |
>= |
larger than or equal |
<= |
less than or equal |
!= |
not equal |
Boolean operators
and |
both values must be true |
or |
either value may be true |
xor |
either value may be true, but not both |
Arithmetic operators
+ |
add |
- |
subtract |
* |
multiply |
/ |
divide |
** |
power |
% |
modulus |
value = 3
if value < 4:
print("less than 4")
elif value > 2:
print("larger than 2")
print("some other value")
else and elif must follow an if. Else cannot come before elif. Whitespace before the print statements indicates they are only to print if the condition is met
# infinite loop
while True:
# counter loop - 0-9
for i in range(10):
# iterating a list
collection = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']
for value in collection:
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