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Java8 Multithreading Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Basics - Implement Runnable

Runnable runnable = () -> { / code here /}

Thread thread = new Thread­(ru­nna­ble);­art();

Basics - Executor

Waits for currently running tasks to finish
Interrupts all running tasks and shut the executor down immedi­ately
awaitT­erm­ina­tion(5, TimeUn­it.S­EC­ONDS)
Waits a certain amount of time for termin­ation of currently running tasks. After a max of 45 seconds, the executor finally shuts down by interr­upting all tasks
Callables and Futures
Callable are like runnables but return a value.
Execut­orS­ervice executor = Execut­­wSi­ngl­eTr­ead­Exe­cut­or();

execut­or.s­ub­mit(() -> { / Code / });

Avoiding Deadlocks

Ensure all threads use same order
If all threads try to get the locks in the same order, a deadlock will not occur
Timeout / Retry
Put a timeout with a retry mechanism when obtaining locks
Can only be called from within synchr­onized block (must have the lock to call). Once wait is called, all locks are released
Deadlocks occur when multiple threads need the same locks but obtain them in a different order