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This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

1.2.2 Tropical Rainfo­rests - Charac­ter­istics

· the climate is same all year round with no definite seasons
· the temper­ature is generally between 20-28° and only varies by a few degrees over the year
· very high rainfall, around 2000mm per year ; usually rains in the afternoon everyday
· the soil isn't very fertile as heavy rain washes nutrients away
· there are only nutrients at the surface due to decayed leaf fall, however this layer is very thin due to fast decay in warm, moist conditions
· most trees are evergreen to take advantage of the continual growing season
· really tall trees & dense vegetation cover -> very little light reaches the forest floor
· there are lots of epiphytes (plants that grow on other living plants to reach higher positions in order to absorb more sunlight) e.g. orchids & ferns
· rainforest ecosystems contain more animal species than any other
· e.g. gorillas, jaguars, anacondas, tree frogs & sloths
· many indigenous people have adapted to life in rainfo­rests, making a living by hunting, fishing, gathering nuts & berries and growing vegetables in small garden plots

1.2.2 Tropical Rainfo­rests - Charac­ter­istics