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ruby selenium nose python Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

for rapid access to nose parameters, selenium and python search methods and other stuff like jenkins URL coomands

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Ruby Math

Expo­n­en­­tiation (**)
Expone­­nt­i­ation raises one number (the base) to the power of the other (the exponent). For example, 23 is 8, since23 means "give me 2 2 2" (2 multiplied together 3 times).
Modulo (%)
Modulo returns the remainder of division. For example, 25 % 7 would be4, since 7 goes into 25 3 times with 4 left over.

Ruby Miscel­aneous

puts & print
Puts prints but adds a new line at the end



no space between the = and the keyword, they need to be on a line by themselves
Is the Ruby method that gets input from the user. When getting input, Ruby automa­­ti­cally adds a blank line after each bit of input.
removes extra blank lines
It modifies the variable in itself,
example: instead of doing
print "This is my questi­­on­?­"

answer = gets.c­­homp

answer2 =­­pi­t­alize

print = answer2

you can use
print "This is my questi­­on­?­"

answer = gets.c­­homp


print answer

Ruby String methods

returns the length of a string
returns the string backwards
returns the same string all in caps
returns the same string all in lowercased
returns the string with just the first letter in caps and the rest on lowercase
string interp­­ol­a­tion
first­­_name = "­­Ke­v­i­n"

puts "Your name is #{firs­­t_­n­a­me­­}!"

#=> Your name is Kevin