Yazi file browser keyboard shortcuts
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Move to parent directory |
or h (H ?) |
Enter highlighted directory |
or l |
Move cursor down |
or j |
Move cursor up |
or k |
Move cursor down one page |
PgDn |
Move cursor down half page |
Shift + PgDn |
Move cursor up one page |
PgUp |
Move cursor up half page |
Shift + PgUn |
Move cursor to top |
g + g |
Move cursor to bottom |
G |
Go to ~ |
g + h |
Go to ~/Downloads |
g + d |
Go to ~/.config |
g + c |
Move cursor down 5 units (preview) |
J |
Move cursor up 5 units (preview) |
K |
Sort alphabetically |
, + A |
Sort by creation time |
, + c |
Sort by creation time reverse |
, + C |
Sort by modified time |
, + m |
Sort by modified time reverse |
, + M |
Sort by size |
, + s |
Sort by size reverse |
, + S |
Sort naturally |
, + n |
Sort naturally reverse |
, + N |
Sort by file extension |
, + e |
Sort by file extension reverse |
, + E |
Sort randomly |
, + r |
Dislpay help |
~ or F1 |
Quit |
q |
Quit without changing working dir |
Q |
Change directory with zoxyde |
z |
Change directory with fzf |
Z |
Shell command |
; |
Run shell command (blocking) |
: |
Toggle hidden file visibility |
. |
Copy directory path |
c + d |
Copy file path |
c + c |
Copy filename |
c + f |
Copy filename without extension |
c + n |
Search file by name (fd) |
s |
Search content (ripgrep) |
S |
Cancel search |
Ctrl + s |
Filter files |
f |
Next file |
/ |
Previous file |
? |
Next item |
n |
Previous item |
N |
New tab |
t |
Switch tab |
1 to 9 |
Switch previous tab |
[ |
Switch next tab |
] |
Swap current tab with previous tab |
{ |
Swap current tab with next tab |
} |
Close current tab |
Ctrl + c |
File operations
Copy selected files |
y |
Cut selected files |
x |
Cancel copy or cut |
Y or X |
Paste files |
p |
Paste files (overwrite) |
P |
Delete selected files (trash) |
d |
Delete seledted files (destroy) |
D |
Open selected files |
Enter or o |
Open selected files interactive |
Ctrl + Enter or O |
Rename selected files |
r |
Create file / directory |
a (end with / for directory) |
Toggle selection |
Space |
Select all |
Ctrl + a |
Select all inverse |
Ctrl + r |
Submit Selection |
Enter |
Cancel selection |
Esc or Ctrl + c |
Visual mode on |
v |
Visual mode off |
V |
Task manager
Show task manager |
w |
Cancel task |
x |
Close window |
Esc or Ctrl + c |
Inspect task |
Enter |