Basic docker commands, for beginners. by TheFax
Build |
build is the process of building Docker images using a Dockerfile. |
Container |
a container is a runtime instance of a Docker image. |
Dockerfile |
a Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands you would normally execute manually in order to build a Docker image. Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. |
Docker Daemon |
the background service running on the host that manages building, running and distributing Docker containers. The daemon is the process that runs in the operating system which clients talk to. |
Image |
a Docker image is a read-only template that contains a set of instructions for creating a container. |
Stack |
a group of containers that runs together in order to create a service. Example: [wordpress] + [mySql] |
Volume |
Docker volumes are file systems mounted into a Docker containers to preserve data generated by the running container. |
Author this cheat sheet has been created by TheFax |
Run containers
docker run |
-d |
Run in background / detached mode |
-it |
Interactive, tty |
--rm |
Remove container after it stops. |
-p 83:80 |
Port mapping host:container |
-v /dirHost:/dir |
Mount file or directories /host/dir:/container/dir |
--name pluto |
Set container name |
--restart no |
Restart policy: no: stops the container when it exit. on-failure[:max-retries]: Restart only if the container exits with a non-zero exit status. Optionally, limit the number of restart retries. always: restart the container regardless of the exit status. The container will also always start on daemon startup. unless-stopped: Always restart the container regardless of the exit status, except if the container was put into a stopped state.
Image name is the LAST parameter. |
Manage containers
docker start/stop CONTAINER |
Start or stop a container |
docker pause/unpause CONTAINER |
Pause or unpause a container |
docker restart CONTAINER |
Stop and restart a container |
docker attach CONTAINER |
Connect terminal to a running container |
docker rename OLD_NAME NEW_NAME |
Rename a container |
docker container rm CONTAINER docker rm CONTAINER |
Remove the specified container |
docker container rm -f CONTAINER docker rm -f CONTAINER |
Force the removing of specified container. |
docker container prune |
Delete all stopped containers |
Manage images
docker rmi IMAGE, or docker image rm IMAGE |
Remove image |
docker build URL |
Create an image from a dockerfile |
Create an image from a container |
docker search TERM |
Search the Docker Hub for images |
docker stats |
Live data about running containers |
docker ps |
List running containers |
docker ps -a |
List ALL containers, also stopped ones |
docker port CONTAINER |
List port mapping of specified container |
docker image ls, or docker images |
List all locally stored images |
docker container ls |
List running containers |
docker container ls -a |
List all containers |
docker volume ls |
List volumes |
Tips :-)
Where are docker images and files? |
/var/lib/docker |
How can I refer to a container? |
Via its name (set by --name Pluto) or... Via its ID (example: 4a7f7eebae0f63178aff7eb0aa39f0627a203ab2df258c1a00b456cf20063) or... Via the first letters of its ID (example: 4a7f) |
How can I test my docker? |
Try one of these commands: docker run hello-world docker run -it --rm -d --name test -p 83:80 nginx |
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