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Mintty + Screen Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Screen splits

<Ct­rl>­+<a> |
Vertical split
<Ct­rl>­+<a> s
Horizontal split
<Ct­rl>­+<a> Q
Keep only current window
<Ct­rl>­+<a> X
Remove current window
Navigate through split
Resize vertical split
Resize horizontal split

Screen Copy mode

<Ct­rl>­+<a> <es­c>
Enter copy mode
Go to middle of window
Go to begin of buffer
Go to end of buffer
set first|end mark
<Ct­rl>­+<a> ]
Paste buffer
<Ct­rl>­+<a> >
Paste buffer in file /u/msb­msn­/sc­ree­n-e­xchange
<Ct­rl>­+<a> <
Copy from file /u/msb­msn­/sc­ree­n-e­xchange

Screen Monitor

<Ct­rl>­+<a> M
Toggle monitor for activity
<Ct­rl>­+<a> _
Toggle monitor for silence

Screen Read-only

:chacl * -w <win #>
Set window # read-only
:chacl * +w <win #>
Set window # read-write
<Ct­rl>­+<a> before each :<c­omm­and>


Increase font size
Decrease font size
Reset font size
Open new window