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APP 002 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

English for Educational and professional purposes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Appeal to Common folk
The persuasion is done by pointing out that a person is no different from ordinary people, or, that a product or idea is something that ordinary people would purchase or support.
Name Calling / Ad hominem
Name calling uses labels with negative meanings to cast one’s opponent in a bad light.
This is done by creating a link between one thing or idea and another one that people have a positive or negative feelings for.
False Authority
A type of false reasoning in which a person speaks as expert on something on which he/she has no expertise.


Appeal to Common folk
Example: If we vote Student A as the president of our classroom, everything will be okay. Student A came from a very poor family just like most of us, so he can surely empathize with us. The above item is an example of appeal to folk because one convinces the students to vote for Student A for the sole reason that he came from a poor family just like the majority in the classroom. However, this charac­ter­istic does not really give an assurance that Student A can lead his classm­ates.
Name Calling / Ad hominem
Example: A senator of the student council proposed that the students should support the impeac­hment of the current SC president for the reason that he is a playboy. The item above is an example of name calling because the senator used the label “playboy” to paint the current SC president good image. Him being a playboy is completely irrelevant to the position that he holds. The students in the school have no say about it because it is something personal. Moreover, it does not affect his perfor­mance as the SC president of the school.
Example: Mercurious Shoes is all about success and sharing your success with other people. It is an example of associ­ation because the item above connects the shoe brand to an ideal concept (success) and uses this as a marketing strategy.
False Authority
Example: Tom Cruise says on TV that Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is. Tom Cruise is awesome -- especially in MI4 when he scaled that building with only one suction glove; therefore, Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is. Tom Cruise might be awesome, and perhaps, he really does think Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is, but Tom is not a sous chef neither a culina­rian; therefore, to accept the claim without any other evidence or reason is fallac­ious.