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CPP Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

lvalue vs rvalue

object that persists beyond a single expression
temporary value
has an address
has no address
variable that has a name/const
increment, decrement
class members
ternary operator
strong literal
func call like
& to reference
&& to ref


//Only one copy per class, single resouce can be shared between instances, cant be initialized inside class def'n
// static const: can be initialized with an initializer
// static constexpr: MUST be initialized with an initializer
class X {
static int m=5 //err
static in n; //ok 
const static int p{5};
constexpr static int arr[]={1,3};
int X::n=5; //ok


takes ownership of member variables from another obj
faster and avoid mem alloc (unlike copy const'r)
shallow copy
move assignment does similar


class name {
 name(const char* s):data{s}{ };
 void display_name() { cout << data;}
 ~name() {}
    string data;
void modify_name(name* m) { }
int main() {
  unique_ptr<name> ptr1(new name("D"));
//Can use -> (and *) on unique_ptr
// To get raw ptr use get() method
// Use std::move to transfer
 unique_ptr<name> ptr2(std::move(ptr1));
// assign a new pointer to ptr1
  ptr1.reset(new name("H"));
// assign a new pointer to ptr2
// D now auto deleted
  ptr2.reset(new name("S"));

//Use make_shared<T> func to create shared_ptr
  auto ptr = make_shared<name>("K");
//ptr and anotherPtr point to K
  shared_ptr<name> sptr2=ptr;
// ptr switch to D, K 
// not deleted sptr2 still holding 
  ptr.reset(new name("D")); 
// S deleted at the end of
// this func, ptr2 out of scope

6 std member functions

default constr­uctor
copy c'tor
C(const C&);
C& operat­or=­(const C&);
move c'tor
move assign
C& operat­or=­(C&&)

Insertion Operator

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const class& c);

Add Functor

struct add_x {
  add_x(int x) : x(x) {}
  int operator()(int y) const { return x + y; }
  int x;
// Now you can use it like this:
add_x add42(42); // create an instance
int i = add42(8); // and "call" it
assert(i == 50);


template <typename T> // Function
T get_max(T a, T b) {
    return (a > b ? a : b);
double max = get_max<double>(m, n);
// set default type by setting K=string or V=25
template <typename K, typename V> 
class Entry{  //Class
    K key;
    V value;
 Entry(K key, V value) : key{key}, value{value}{}
// Generic Copy Template
template<typename InIter, typename OutIter>
OutIter copy(InIter init,InIter end,OutIter res){
        res++ = init++; }
return res;}

diff between ref and pointer

pointer can be null
pointer can be reassigned
can get address of pointer
pointers can iterate over array

Dynamic cast

casts a ptr of one type to a ptr of another type within an inheri­tance hierarchy
allows with ptrs and ref to polymo­rphic types (must contain virtual func)
returns nullptr on failure
const cast has same syntax and is used to cast away const qualifier
static cast has same syntax, works on nonpol­ymo­rphic types, only works if 1 or both types can be implicitly converted
slicing happens when casting non ref or ptrs, it is when a derived class loses functi­onality

Common Functions

void swap(class& lhs, class& rhs){ 
  std::swap(lhs.mem, rhs.mem);}
//assignment operator
class& class::operator=(class other){
  swap(*this, other);
  return *this;}


Template, wraps a 'raw' pointer
Ensures pointer is deleted on destru­ction
Auto deletes the obj it is storing when: Destro­yed­(OOS), Value changes by assign­ment, Value changes by call to reset func
cannot be shared or copied
use for class data members and local variables in functions


//Capture clause used to pass variables from surrounding scope into lambda
//[] no capturing, [=] outside captured by val cannot be modified, [&] outside captured by reference, [var] only var captured val, [&var] only var captured by ref
//ascending sort lambda
auto asc = [](const int& a, const int& b){return a < b;};
std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end(), asc);
//ascending sort functor
struct ascSort {
    bool operator()(const int& a, const int& b)
        return a < b;


class singleton{
  static singleton& get_instance(){
//Guaranteed to be destroyed.
     static singleton instance; 
     return instance;//Instantiated on first use.
  int test_value;
  singleton() {}
  singleton(singleton const&) = delete;
  void operator=(singleton const&) = delete;
  int get_value() { return test_value++; }
int main(){
// singleton s;//wont compile
cout<<singleton::get_instance().get_value(); //ok;}

Java enum vs C++ enum

like a class
treated as an int
can have methods
can be assigned values (even same values)