The non-medical factors that influence overall health outcomes -conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live and age in and the systems shaping these conditions What do you have for love?
Influences lifetsyle -childhood influences what type of adult you turn out to be What do you have for work?
Education most influential since it determines your employment The systems that influence SDOH
The social gradientThe lower the socioeconomic status the worse their health tends to be - vice versa -> due to uneven distribution of resources, money and power The SDOH
Disability is linked to decreased employment rate and increased Without employment cannot make an income and do not have basic needs Affordable housing is a big issue - link btw poor housing and poor health outcomes Geography affects HC, food and housing - worse conditions due to lack of PHC Immigrants have harder time finding work -> unemployment and worse mental health Indigneous = double the unemployment rate, more poverty |
Why do SDOH matter?
-> Promote health adn prevent illness: by understanding the SDOH then can help to improve pt outcomes - need to understand the environment they come from -have cultural humility and understand own biases Client Care ELC addressing SDOH
Quality improvement ELC on SDOH
Leadership ELC on SDOH
Education ELC on SDOH
SDOH of indigenous populations
Rural and remote populations
Rural and remote populations
Education level is more influential determinant -pregnancy and childbirth: they sometimes need to stay in other communities after 36 weeks -may not have specialized services -SLP, dietetics can be facilitated through telehealth |
Inner-city populations
Harm reduction: safe injection sites, safe supply of opioids Recgonize psychological aspects advocate to address health inequities: harm reduction, housing Screen Hep C/HIV Refugee and immigrant populations
Decreased employmnet - language barrier, discrimmination Trauma and stress they experienced in their homeland LGTB2SQ
Non-disclosure affects quality of care -creates delays in medical diagnosis and treatment if they do not disclose Asking about SDOH in practice
If you don't ask they don't usually bring it up CLEAR tool kit
Theory - SDOH Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by Emilie Lamarche
Social determinants of health - considerations for NPs
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.