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Education Help23

About Education Help23

  • Hello, Hope my sheets help you with your studies. I make my sheets based on my notes in class and use them when it comes to my exams. I put as much detail in them even though they are suppose to be quick and easy notes to help with the understanding of the topic.
  • Cheatographer since 25 February, 2024.


  • 6 Cheat Sheets
  • 21 Cheat Sheet Pages
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5 Pages
 Describe the types of neuroglia  Identify the anatomy of the spinal cord  Explain reflex arc  Identify the subdivisions of the brain. List the general functions of each.  Identify the lobes of the cerebrum. List the general functions of each.  List the 12 cranial nerves and their main functions.  Compare and contrast the structural and functional differences of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS.
13 Apr 24
5 Pages
• Explains the functions of the urinary system • Identify the structures of the urinary system • Describes the general process filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. • Discuss the regulation of the urinary system
7 Apr 24, updated 9 Apr 24
4 Pages
Describe DNA structure.  Explain DNA replication.  Discuss DNA mutations.  Describe RNA structure and function.  Differentiate between transcription and translation.  Explain RNA processing and post-translational modifications.  Discuss regulation of transcription and translation.
28 Feb 24
3 Pages
 Explain the cell cycle.  Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis.  Explain the role of mitosis and meiosis in the human life cycle.  Describe cell cycle regulation
27 Feb 24
2 Pages
 Describe the process of cellular respiration.  Describe energy changes in metabolic reactions: glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation and the Krebs Cycle.  Identify other nutrients that can be used to produce ATP and briefly describe the process.  Explain anaerobic respiration.
27 Feb 24
2 Pages
This will include terms, test crossings, blood types, and whatever I was taught in class.
25 Feb 24