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sciences Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

notation of science related material.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- particles can be in multiple states at the same time
- other dimensions
- particles can influence each other over great distances
- entities can be summoned from other realms that exist in the quantum space


hydros - utilising fluid in transm­itting power
energy stored in fields = the total energy required to assemble the fields

building blocks

the up quark, the down quark and the electron. This set of particles is all that's needed to make protons and neutrons and to form atoms and molecules.

self-o­rga­nised critic­ality

when things in nature, like sand or other systems, arrange themselves in a way that they are always on the edge of something intere­sting happening, like an avalanche, without anyone making it happen on purpose.
It's a concept in science that says in some systems, like the sandpile, things can organize themselves to a point where they are about to change or have an "­ava­lan­che­" without anyone planning or contro­lling it. It's like nature's way of creating order and chaos all on its own.



quantum mechanics

