main tenets of hermeticism
1. mentalism |
2. correspondence |
3. vibration |
4. polarity |
5. rhythm |
6. cause and effect |
7. gender |
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” - Aristotle (The phrase is also used to explain the importance of Synergy and the foundations of Gestalt theory.) |
stoic extensionalism
1.) transform everyone into a teacher. |
2.) say no to the easy way, seek out challenges. |
3.) be strict with yourself but tolerant of others. |
4.) allow the journey to be the thing. |
5.) transform envy into emulation. |
6.) stand on the shoulders of giants. |
7.) forgive yourself and forgive others. |
8.) fall in love with Fate. |
9.) always practice courage, temperance, and humor. |
10.) remember, the obstacle is the path. |
the idea is that only people who have cultivated virtue and self control in themselves can bring positive change in other. A true stoic does not view their success based on the financial gain of their ventures, but instead its comforted by the fact that they can live a comfortable life without all the things money can buy.*
four main tenets of stoicism
wisdom |
courage |
temperance |
justice |
systems theory
the study of complex systems in nature, society, and science, emphasising interconnections and interactions within these systems. |
normative v positive statements
normative statements are subjective beliefs about what is desirable or undesirable, right or wrong, but they cannot be empirically proven or disproven.
critical v logic
critical thinking is the process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to guide beliefs and actions. |
logical thinking is the process of reasoning based on the principles of logic. It involves the use of formal systems and rules to derive valid conclusions from premises. |
relationship |
overlap: There is significant overlap between critical and logical thinking. Critical thinking often incorporates logical reasoning as one of its components. Logical thinking, on the other hand, is a subset of critical thinking that specifically focuses on the systematic application of formal logic. |
integration: Successful critical thinking may involve integrating logical reasoning with other cognitive processes, such as analysis, evaluation, and synthesis, to arrive at well-rounded and informed decisions. |
in summary, critical thinking is a broader, more comprehensive approach to thinking that encompasses various cognitive skills, while logical thinking specifically refers to the systematic application of formal logic to derive valid conclusions. Both are valuable in different contexts and are often used in conjunction to enhance the quality of decision-making and problem-solving.*
intromission theory of sight (to send within)
light enters the pupil and through the cornea and lens an image is refracted onto the retina which is then converted into electrical pulses that the optic nerve transmits to the brain. |
(form of physical touch that beams out of the eye) gentle fire or light flows through the eye. It emanates from the eye as a stream of vision that connects with others streams of light coming forth the object you are looking at. |
pneuma (haptic sight)
eye emits an airy substance that activates the air between the viewer and the object being viewed. This optical pneuma causes ripples or pressures which is sent back to the eye which causes vision. |
carl jung
“hegel put me off by his language, as arrogant as it was laborious; I regarded him with downright mistrust. He seemed to me like a man who was caged in the edifice of his own words and was pompously gesticulating in prison." |
my thesis is that Hegel was full of shit and employed that tactic of not being clear to make of himself great, by pretending and creating a language that if nobody could understood it was because they weren't smart enough to understand and made himself into a riddle on purpose. perhaps, that is the main influence some nasty intellectuals got from him, elements of deception. with the exception of a few useful concepts. |
road to serfdom
hayek makes a moral argument that government attempts to control the economy ultimately enslave its people when we give more and more power to the state gradually there is an erosion of first economic freedom and then ultimately political freedom that erosion of political freedom then leads people to demand a strong manner dictator to sort everything out make the trains run on time and and everything else and that this leads inexorably down the road to totalitarianism. |
"A socialist is someone who has never read Marx. An anarchist is someone who has read Marx and understood it." |
totalitarianism -> socialism -> marxism -> fascism -> nazism -> communism*
benacerraf's problem, named after the philosopher paul benacerraf, raises concerns about the nature of mathematical knowledge and its relation to the physical world. In simple terms, the problem is this: if mathematical objects like numbers and geometric shapes are abstract and exist outside of space and time, how do we come to know about them, and how do they relate to the concrete world around us? It prompts questions about the ontological status of mathematical entities and the epistemological basis of mathematical truth. |
benacerraf's problem can be summarised in a proposition: |
1) mathematics appears to provide us with objective truths about abstract entities like numbers and geometric shapes. |
2) however, if these mathematical entities exist independently of the physical world, it's unclear how we come to know about them and how they relate to the concrete world. |
3) therefore, there's a tension between the objective truths of mathematics and their seemingly disconnected nature from the physical world, raising questions about the nature of mathematical knowledge and its foundation. |
turtle won the race
turtle won the race, but not out of better strategy but luck, a bit of determination and well because he plain just didn't quit. |
don't let overconfidence take hold when you feel ahead of others. Those who may seem behind can catch up, work harder, and surpass you unexpectedly. Life is about continuous improvement, not just maintaining your lead. If you don’t keep improving, even those who start slower will eventually overtake you. The more you improve with each step, the quicker you'll catch up to those who remain stagnant.*
high and low magic
high magic: |
complex, involving lengthy and detailed rituals as well as sophisticated, sometimes expensive, paraphernalia. (also known as theurgy and ceremonial or ritual magic) |
low magic: |
associated with peasants and folklore, with simpler rituals such as brief, spoken spells and is also closely associated with sorcery and witchcraft. (also known as natural magic) |
anthropologist Susan Greenwood states that "since the renaissance, high magic has been concerned with drawing down forces and energies from heaven" and achieving unity with divinity.
emo. magic
the term magic was used liberally by Freud.He also saw magic as emerging from human emotion but interpreted it very differently to Marett. Freud explains that "the associated theory of magic merely explains the paths along which magic proceeds; it does not explain its true essence, namely the misunderstanding which leads it to replace the laws of nature by psychological ones ”. |
Freud emphasises that what led primitive men to come up with magic is the power of wishes: "His wishes are accompanied by a motor impulse, the will, which is later destined to alter the whole face of the earth to satisfy his wishes. This motor impulse is at first employed to give a representation of the satisfying situation in such a way that it becomes possible to experience the satisfaction by means of what might be described as motor hallucinations. |
This kind of representation of a satisfied wish is quite comparable to children's play, which succeeds their earlier purely sensory technique of satisfaction. As time goes on, the psychological accent shifts from the motives for the magical act on to the measures by which it is carried out—that is, on to the act itself. It thus comes to appear as though it is the magical act itself which, owing to its similarity with the desired result, alone determines the occurrence of that result." |
the term magic was used liberally by freud.*
chaos magic
chaos magic teaches that the essence of magic is that perceptions are conditioned by beliefs, and that the world as we perceive it can be changed by deliberately changing those beliefs. |
chaos magicians subsequently treat belief as a tool, often creating their own idiosyncratic magical systems and blending such different things as ”practical magic, quantum physics, chaos theory, and anarchism.” |
the word magic, mage and magician come from the Latin term magus, through the Greek μάγος, which is from the Old Persian maguš. (magician). The Old Persian magu- is derived from the Proto-Indo-European megʰ-*magh (be able). |
late 14c., magike, "art of influencing or predicting events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces," also "supernatural art," especially the art of controlling the actions of spiritual or superhuman beings; |
"magical," from magos "one of the members of the learned and priestly class," from Old Persian magush, which is possibly from PIE root *magh- "to be able, have power." |
magic defined |
magic is an ancient practice rooted in rituals, spiritual divinations, and/or cultural lineage—with an intention to invoke, manipulate, or otherwise manifest supernatural forces, beings, or entities in the natural world. |
aleister rowley defined "magick" as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", adding a 'k' to distinguish ceremonial or ritual magic from stage magic. In modern occultism and neopagan religions, many self-described magicians and witches regularly practice ritual magic.This view has been incorporated into chaos magic and the new religious movements of Thelema and Wicca. |
essentially, crowley believed that that the 'divine' resides within humankind. He wanted to establish magick as a genuine science, thus he spelled it with the final 'k' to distinguish the word from the 'sleight-of-hand' practised by stage entertainers. He called his system of magico-philosophical belief 'Thelema' (this is the Greek word for 'Will'). His fundamental creed (which can be found in his Liber AL: The Book of the Law) is 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will'. This was not an injunction to 'do whatever you want', but for the individual to devote themselves to finding out their true purpose in life, i.e. their True Will, and thereafter, to carrying it out. In his publication 'The Equinox', the motto was 'The Method of Science - The Aim of Religion'. Crowley believed (as do the Hindu yogis) that if certain practices are followed, certain results including control of the mind will result. Most of his writings stress this approach |
one of crowley’s definitions was that magick was the art a science of bringing about a change in accordance with will. |
in his writings Crowley explains how the writing and creation of a book is an act of magick. Beginning as a set of thoughts; turned into words; brought into being via the use of a magick wand (a pen) then edited and turned into a collated book which can then be shared (manifestation). |
so the rather simplistic view of an act of magic simply being the waving of a wand with the appropriate rhymes and chants is NOT what Crowley and other Magickians are involved in. |
on a fundamental level, magick is about trasformation; transformation on many levels. |
last words |
reports of his last moments vary considerably; his parting words may have been “I’m perplexed”, or he may have uttered “Sometimes I hate myself”. |
the law of reversed effect
often associated with hypnosis, suggests that the harder you consciously try to achieve something, the more difficult it becomes to actually attain it. |
plato and his point towards the heavens
plato points up because in his philosophy the changing world that we see around us is just a shadow of a higher, truer reality that is eternal and unchanging (and include things like goodness and beauty). ... plato holds his book called the timaeus. |
irrelevant conclusion (ignoratio elenchi)
“Polar bears can’t be dangerous because they are cute.” |
The fallacy: An irrelevant conclusion happens when the conclusion proved by the author is not the one the author initially tried to prove. |
{X} therefore {Y} Where {X is irrelevant in concluding that Y. |
irrelevant conclusion (Ignoratio elenchi)
“Polar bears can’t be dangerous because they are cute.” |
The fallacy: An irrelevant conclusion happens when the conclusion proved by the author is not the one the author initially tried to prove. |
{X} therefore {Y} Where {X} is irrelevant in concluding that {Y}. |
appeal to force (argumentum ad baculum)
“I am right. Agree with me or I will break your legs!” |
the fallacy (might is right) is committed when either force or threat of force is used in an attempt to justify a conclusion. |
{X} is true. Either you accept it or you will get hurt. |
“I know it is not part of your duties, but form now on you also need to start cleaning toilets. If you don’t, I will have to start looking for someone to take your place.” |
appeal to pity (ad misericordiam)
“The woman should not be found guilty, since it would break her poor children’s hearts to see their mother taken to prison,” (The sob story or the Galileo argument) |
The fallacy is committed when someone tries to win an argument by exploiting the other persons feelings of pity or guilt. |
{X} is true because not {X} would be too sad a state of affairs |
appeal to majority (ad populum)
An example of this in advertising is: “50,000,000 Elvis fans can’t be wrong” |
The fallacy concludes that a proposition must be true because many or most people believe it. |
Most people believe that X is true. Therefore, X must be true. |
“The majority chose this government. The majority is always right, therefore everything this government does is right.” |
appeal to emotion (ad passiones)
“father Christmas must be a real person. It would be so sad if he wasn’t.” |
the fallacy of appeal to emotion is committed when someone tries to manipulate emotions to make their case rather than building a valid rational argument. Such appeal to emotion may invoke: fear, hatred, happiness, pity, sadness and pride. |
Begging the question (Circulus in demonstrando)
“God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is true because God wrote it” |
The fallacy, also known as arguing in a circle. The fallacy of begging the question occurs when an argument assume the position that is in the question without proof. |
X because Y, Y because X = (circular reasoning) |
Against the person (Ad hominem)
It is a type or irrelevant conclusion. Ad hominem seeks to attack someones positon by attacking the character or personal traits of the opponent rather than the argument. Such an attack is based on prejudice or feelings that are irrelevant to the argument. |
X claims Y |
The circumstances or character of person {X} are unsatisfactory, or does not act according to {Y}. Therefore, claim {Y} is implausible or unlikely. |
Abusive ad hominem fallacy - “The minister for transport is an arrogant, detestable person, so his solutions to solving traffic are deluded’. (There is no correlation between the two, one is basing the conclusion based on the dislike of the person.) |
Ad hominem: the circumstantial form - “The mayor just bought a bicycle and wants to use it. Of course, that is his motivation to turn the town centre into a no-traffic area!” |
this attacks the motivation of an opponent claiming it’s a result of personal circumstances leading to a bias in that persons judgement*
Appeal to authority (Ad verecundiam)
x: an expert in field y |
z: x’s position on some issue that does not fall under field y |
form of the fallacy: According to x, who’s an authority on y. Therefore, z is true. |
Argument from ignorance
{X} is false because you cannot prove that {X} is true. |
{X} is true because you cannot prove that {X} is false. |
Aside from it being an obviously good foundation to pursue the practice of law, the study of philosophy is almost like an agility training exercise for the brain.
Foundations of reasoning and logic train the brain to bend, twist, and think in directions that it is not used to thinking. It almost seems like these guys can intuitively see and predict things that others cannot. It's like extrapolating numerical data based on a set of known values, however it isn't numerical but empirical.
Assimilate it to breaking down a large project into smaller manageable pieces. Philosophy trains you to break down a simple thought or idea into smaller manageable pieces and by doing so having a well-rounded understanding of what that really is on a multi-faceted level. If you're a philosopher at your core this is the way you view the world without even having to think about it, it's second nature to you to break everything down in this way. |
elenchus (socratic method)
the socratic method of eliciting truth by question and answer, especially as used to refute an argument. |
socratic method for debate (dialectic)
1) Interlocutor (participants of the dialogiue) gives initial definition of something |
2) Evaluate the interlocutors claim, pointing out any incongruities |
3) Attempt to fix the incongruity or give a better definition |
4) Utilise the apophatic process |
5) Don’t give students a direct answer, offer questions in place of answers |
6) Help students see that there is never one “correct” answer unless all other solutions have been ruled out. |
mathematical truths
statements that are objectively and consistently provable within the framework of mathematical logic and axioms. |
the elite school and university education system where the majority of the talent that will run the networks are groomed, nurtured, developed and carefully placed. |
the elite school and university education system where the majority of the talent that will run the networks are groomed, nurtured, developed and carefully placed. |
overton window
is like a frame that shows the range of ideas that are considered acceptable or mainstream in public discourse at a given time. Ideas or policies that fall within this window are seen as feasible or acceptable, while those outside of it may be viewed as extreme or unrealistic. |
according to Robert Lanza's theory of biocentrism, it's our consciousness that creates the universe, rather than the universe creating our consciousness. this would mean that concepts like time and space only exist in our minds. |
communal societies
“to attach one’s name to an object or an idea is to assert exclusive claim and proprietorship to it, whereas traditional society frowns on the implied possessiveness and ostentatious self-importance.” |
oyekan owomoyela (“africa and the imperative of philosophy: a skeptical consideration.” african studies review 30, no. 1 [1987]: 1-19.)*
sustainable systems
unfortunately, no progress has been made on how to convert politicised people at a large scale. this is a great summary of the world today. we have lots of people making models and lots of people not giving a shit about what models say because it isn't aligned with their ideology. you can change individuals with 1 to 1 work, nobody found a way to scale that kind of knowledge transfer that goes against the ideology. |
things to meditate about it: |
- when you remove the problem from somewhere you create it somewhere else until the situation is as bad as in the beginning. |
- help someone to do something and he will stop doing the thing for himself. That's pretty much why social security doesn't free people from the pressure of capitalism but just creates welfare dependancy.
- we spend a lot of time debating policies that have very little influence anyway |
dutch economist, paul schenderling, wrote to this. to it he states that the most important thing that needs to change, is the definition of success. Right now, success is synonymous with profit. Selling a lot of products that self-destruct is good for profit, but not for anything else. I'd rather have my washing machine last 25 years than need to replace it every 5 years or so. If the success of a company is defined by the durability of its products, its environmental impact, and the way they treat its personnel, the rules of the game will change and companies need to change along with it. |
unfortunately, technocracy will never govern the world. In a democracy, you want to please a group of voters and don't really care if your policies are good as long as you get re-elected.*
the issue is always the same, ideology pushes people to manipulate the models of the world. To remove their own caste from the parameters that the technocracy could influence.*
the rightness/wrongness of an act is determined by its consequences. |
consequentialist moral theory (it is a sub-category of consequentialsim), the desired outcome is the greatest amount of good possible. |
the creation of something new that has never existed before, typically through human ingenuity and creativity. |
the identification or uncovering of something that already exists but was previously unknown, hidden, or not fully understood. |
network sciences within systems
the study of connectivity and networks in all forms. |
the tendency for individuals to associate and bond with similar others. |
homophily (from Ancient Greek ὁμός (homós) 'same, common', and φιλία (philía) 'friendship, love') is a concept in sociology describing the tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others, as in the proverb "birds of a feather flock together". (love of sameness)*
our behaviour will be unsustained. |
almost hard to quit this desire. |
cause violence between people (we are too similar). |
when people start competing, a loss of true value occurs and the exhibit of the manipulative function increases and ultimately, exuberant. |
the way we can get out of this, is by disintegrating from all the measurement matrix (gpa, beauty, money, etc.)*
argument against deism
God doesn’t need to interfere with the everyday activities of man. If God is the impetus causa sui exists outside of what we known as time space, then all that is is already known, adjusted and accounted for to such a God. |
to vastly oversimplify, Spinoza saw God as what he called “substance”. All material and matter is God, but also all forces that surround matter. |
branch of philosophy that studies the nature of being, existence, and the fundamental categories of reality (the essence or being of things). |
a group of intellectuals or highly educated individuals who are regarded as cultural, political, or social leaders. |
in russia, the bolsheviks did not consider the status class of the intelligentsiya to be a true social class, as defined in marxist philosophy. In that time, the Bolsheviks used the russian word prosloyka (stratum) to identify and define the intelligentsia as a separating layer without an inherent class character.*
mandarin caste
mandarin (Chinese: 官; pinyin: guān): |
was a bureaucrat scholar in the history of China, Korea and Vietnam. |
brahma and the origins of caste
belief we are each responsible for creating purpose or meaning in our own lives. our individual purpose and meaning is not given to us by Gods, governments, teachers or other authorities. |
it is opposed to any doctrine that views human beings as the manifestation of an absolute or of an infinite substance.*
telepathic communication: |
ability to emit information from mind to another |
telepathic perception: |
to receive information from another mind. |
empath v. empathy
empath: |
a person highly sensitive to others' emotions. |
empathy: |
the ability to understand and share someone else's feelings. |
a principle that is an accepted belief of a particular group (religion or philosophy). |
framework thinking (3s)
key ideas |
key lists |
key concepts |
keter (the crown)
The Hebrew word "Keter" (כֶּתֶר) translates to "crown". Since a crown is worn above the head, Keter symbolizes the highest level of the sefirot and the divine will in Kabbalah.
albedo (alchemy)
if the nigredo symbolises the descent into Hell, then the Albedo represents the ascent into Heaven. The Nigredo entails a confrontation with the shadow, while the Albedo involves an encounter with the "I"—the Ego, the demiurge, who mistakenly believes himself to be the master of his own universe. |
first, we face the shadow in its own domain; only then do we confront the Ego in its realm. In Jungian terms, this progression is vividly illustrated in The Black Books and The Red Book. After Jung encounters Elijah and Salome, his soul ascends to Heaven, compelling him to confront the true nature of his ego for what it truly is. |
hegelian dialectics
hegelian dialectics works. It moves by double negation, which is an internal movement developing internal contradictions, not external like the thesis-antithesis supposition. |
subagents refers to the idea that rather than thinking of the mind as an entity with one set of goals and beliefs, it includes many independently acting components, each of which might have varying goals and beliefs. |
atheistic and theistic satanism
theistic satanism: |
believes in the existence of both God and satan. practitioners recognize the existence of one or more supernatural beings. |
atheistic satanism: |
believes in neither, rejects all supernatural beliefs. |
the major god, viewed as a father or older brother, is often called Satan, but some groups identify the leader as a version of the ancient Egyptian god Set. Set is a spiritual entity, based on the ancient Egyptian notion of xeper, translated as "self-improvement" or "self-creation.*
states of consciousness
subconscious: |
mind simply processes and regurgitates information and knowledge fed into it. |
superconscious: |
mind encompasses a level of awareness that sees both material and reality and also the energy and consciousness behind that reality. ( possessing the highest consciousness or a margin of consciousness above that within the ordinary range of attention.) |
at the tender age of 25, he proved two groundbreaking theorems. they were titled the incompleteness theorems and shattered Hilbert's hope of finding a complete and consistent set of axioms for all of mathematics. the first incompleteness theorem states that any sufficiently complex system of mathematics will always have statements that are true, however, unprovable within the system. the second incompleteness theorem shows that the system cannot demonstrate its own consistency (when a system is consistent, it doesn't lead to logical contradictions). |
in fact, Gödel concluded that time travel is indeed theoretically possible, rendering time, as we know it, meaningless. |
If it assumed that the quote is true, would this not be enough of a precondition for a divinity? |
that is, if there ever could be a God (evolved or built by a predecessor), then there always would be, since such being could place itself (or its influence) at the beginning of time if it wanted to (and it most likely would, in order to insure an existence) or, if time is meaningless, how can there be a before/during/afterlife, if all ‘events’ are existing eternally? |
3 main types of communication
spoken, gestural/sign language (these are ephemeral and requires close contact for the message to be sent and received and after the moment of transition its gone forever.) |
graphic communication decoupled the relationship of the aforementioned, it allowed way for the first time for a message to be transmitted and preserved beyond a single moment in space, in time. |
feelings > attachment > sense of claim over thing/being > disputes > adverse emotions/thoughts and motive > war and/or death (destruction phase) |
head: |
spiritual |
chest/stomach: |
mental |
lower (genitalia): |
physical |
local realism
local realism is a quick way of saying two principles: |
principle of locality: |
the cause of a physical change must be local. That is, a thing is changed only if it is touched, and |
principle of realism: |
properties of objects are real and exist in our physical universe independent of our minds. |