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Mongoose Travller - Character Creation Pre-Career Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Character Creation Process and Reference Tables

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Basic Character Generation Steps

Basic character generation uses the following steps:	
1. Roll characteristics and determine characteristic modifiers.	
2	a. Choose a homeworld.
	b. Gain background skills.
3	a. Choose a career. You cannot choose a career you have already left.
	b. Roll to qualify for that career.
	c. If you qualify for that career, go to Step 4.
	d. If you do not qualify for that career, then you can go to the Draft or enter the Drifter career. The Draft can put you back into a career you have been forced to leave, at your old rank. You can only apply for the Draft once.
4. If this is your first time on this career, get your basic training.	
5. Choose a specialisation for this career.	
6	a. Choose one of the Skills and Training tables for this career and roll on it.
	b. Roll for survival on this career.
	c. If you succeed, go to Step 7.
	d. If you did not succeed, then events have forced you from this career. Roll on the Mishap table, then go to Step 9.
7	a. Roll for Events.
	b. Optionally, establish a Connection with another player character.
8	a. Roll for Advancement
	b. If you succeed, choose one of the skills and training tables for this career and roll on it. Increase your Rank and take any bonus skills from the Ranks table for this career.
	c. If you roll less than the number of terms spent in this career, you must leave this career.
	d. Military characters (Army, Navy, Marines) can roll for commission instead of rolling for advancement.
9. Increase your age by 4 years. If your character is 34 or older, roll for Aging.	
10. If you are leaving the career, roll for Benefits.	
11. If you have left your current career, then go to Step 3 to choose a new career, or to Step 12 if you wish to finish your character. Otherwise, go to Step 5.	
12. Finalise any Connections with other characters.	
13. Choose a Campaign Skill Pack and allocate skills from that pack.	
14. Purchase starting equipment and, if you can afford it, a spacecraft.

Determ­ining Charac­ter­isitcs

Roll 2d6 six times and allocate them to the six basic charac­ter­istics in any order. Record dice modifiers according to charac­ter­istic score in the Dice Modifier table.


Strength (Str): A charac­ter’s physical strength, fitness and forcef­ulness.
Dexterity (Dex): Physical co-ord­ination and agility, reflexes. A charac­ter’s Dexterity affects his accuracy in ranged combat and his reaction speed.
Endurance (End): A charac­ter’s ability to sustain damage, stamina and determ­ina­tion. A charac­ter’s resilience is based on his Endurance score, so a character with a low Endurance score will be very vulnerable in a firefight.
Intell­igence (Int): A charac­ter’s intellect and quickness of mind. Intell­igence is used in a great many skill checks.
Education (Edu): A measure of a charac­ter’s learning and experi­ence. Education is also used in a great many skill checks.
Social Standing (Soc): A charac­ter’s place in society. Characters with a high Social Standing can claim a noble title in the Imperium and will find life much easier thanks to their reputation and contacts.

Background Education

The number of Background Education Skills you can pick is determined by...
3 + Education DM

Skills gained from homeworld deduct from this total.

Select the remaining number of skills from the following list (Education list)...

Admin 0, Advocate 0, Art 0, Carouse 0, Comms 0, Computer 0, Drive 0, Engineer 0, Language 0, Medic 0, Physical Science 0, Life Science 0, Social Science 0, Space Science 0, Trade 0

Social Standing - Titles


Dice Modifier

1 - 2
3 - 5
6 - 8
9 - 11
12 - 14

Homeworld and Initial Skills

Your homeworld decides 2 of your inital skills based on the attributes assigned to your homeworld. Select 2 attributes from Homeworld Attributes table and take the associated skills.

Homeworld Attributes

Animals 0
Zero-G 0
Survival 0
Fluid Oceans
Seafarer 0
Animals 0
High Technology
Computers 0
High Population
Streetwise 0
Vacc Suit 0
Trade 0
Low Technology
Survival 0
Animals 0
Carouse 0
Water World
Seafarer 0
Vacc Suit 0

Skills Explained

Skill which you do not have are not denoted in your character sheet.

Skill in which you have a basic level of competence are dentoed as <SK­ILL­NAM­E> 0.

Higher numbers imply greater experience in that skill.

Refer to Skill Levels & Implic­ations table for greater details and dice modifiers.

Skill Levels & Implic­ations

No Level
-3 DM, Incomp­etent
<sk­ill> 0
+0 DM, Basic Competence
Any <sk­ill> at level 1 or greater
+skill­_level DM, Advanced Competence