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Migrations and Misc Rails Reference Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

ORM (Object Relational Mapping)

DB indepe­ndent. moving from PG to Sqlite should be trivial.
Cleaner code focused on business logic rather than SQL Query
Relati­ons­hip­/As­soc­iation Management
Model Objects can be cached -- No need to repeatedly query DB for same data
Transa­ction support
Built in validation before save
Abstra­ction = overhead (uses more memory etc...)
SQL ignorance

Create Table (with Datatypes)


class CreateOrders < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
  def change
    create_table :orders do |t|
       t.belongs_to :category

       t.binary :photo # PG: bytea   MySQL: blob
       t.boolean :success # PG: boolean   MySQL: tinyint(1) :ship_date # PG & MySQL: date  
       t.datetime :order_date # PG: timestamp   MySQL: datetime
       # PG & MySQL: decimal  Precise.  Use for currency, geolocation
       t.decimal :latitude, :decimal, :precision => 15, :scale => 13 
       t.float  # PG & MySQL: float  Less precise thank decimal
       t.integer :age # PG: integer   MySQL: int(11)
       t.string :name # PG & MySQL: varchar(255)  
       t.text :comments # PG & MySQL: text  
       t.time :ship_time # PG & MySQL: time  
       t.timestamps  # PG: timestamp   MySQL: datetime



rails g model comment post:r­efe­rences text:s­tring
rails g migration add_po­st_­to_user post:b­elo­ngs_to
rails g migration AddUse­rRe­fTo­Pro­ducts user:r­efe­rences
rails g migration AddPar­tNu­mbe­rTo­Pro­ducts part_n­umb­er:­string
rails generate controller Sessions new

rails db: command

Rollback the last migration:
rails db:rol­lback
Revert the last 3 migrat­ions:
rails db:rol­lback STEP=3
Rollback and then migrating back up:
rails db:mig­rat­e:redo STEP=3
Run specific migration
rails db:mig­rate:up VERSIO­N=2­008­090­6120000
Load test fixtures
rails db:fix­tur­es:load
Create a db/sch­ema.rb file that can be portably used against any database supported by Active­Record
Load a schema.rb file into the database
Dump database structure to SQL file Drops the database, creates the datab
Clone your database structure into the test database
Drops the database, creates the database and then runs migra- tions against the database. Takes a VERSION argument as well as RAILS_ENV
Create­/clear Sessions table
db:ses­sio­ns:­create (or :clear)

Postgres Specific Data Types

:hstore	# Key => Val Hash Store
:json	        #The json data type stores an exact copy of the input text
:jsonb	# stored in a decomposed binary format
:cidr_address	#IP Address
:ip_address	#IP Address
:mac_address	#String
In other DBs these are all stored as strings

Change Table

class AddPartNumberToProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    add_index :products, :part_number
    remove_index :products, :part_number

    add_reference :this_table, :other_table, index: true
    remove_reference :this_table, :other_table, index: true
    add_column :products, :part_number, :string
    add_column :products, :column_name, :string, :limit => 50    

    rename_column :shoes, :season, :season_id
    t.change :column_name, :new_column_type
    change_column_default :table_name, :status, 0
    t.remove :column_name
