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Spiceworks Commands Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A list of Tickets Anywhere command in Spiceworks.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Add time worked to a ticket

#worked 10m
#add 2h30m

Notify a user

#notify Ford Prefect

Set ticket priority

#priority high
#priority low

Place ticket in “Waiting on user” status


Create a ticket for someone else

#created by user_email

Close a ticket


Assign the ticket

#assign to Ford

Accept a ticket

#assign to me

Set custom attributes

#set attribute name=a­ttr­ibute value (ex: #set Floor Number=13)

Categorize the ticket

#category mainte­nance

Reopen a closed ticket


Unassign a ticket


Merge ticket as duplicate

#dup ticket­_number
(If ticket 105 comes in and is a duplicate of ticket 101, you would reply to ticket 105 with #dup 101 to merge it with ticket 101)