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Rootstock Dev Cheat Sheet by

The Rootstock Dev Cheatsheet is a concise reference guide for developers aiming to deploy decentralized applications (dApps) on the Rootstock network. It provides essential information and step-by-step instructions and links to relevant URLs, starter kits, and tutorial to aid the development process. This cheatsheet is ideal for developers building in a hackathon or attending a workshop or webinar event.

Connecting to a Wallet - MetaMask (Testnet)

Network Name: Rootstock Testnet
RPC URL: https:­//p­ubl­ic-­nod­e.t­est­
Chain id: 31
Currency Symbol: tRBTC
Block Explorer URL: https:­//e­xpl­ore­r.t­est­­ots­toc­

Developer Resources

Quick Start Guides

Dev Enviro­nment

Contract Verifi­cation

Solidity Compiler

Supported Version: up to 0.8.20
EVM: London
If you are having trouble intera­­cting with your deployed Smart Contract, check the Solidity version used to build the contract.

RPC Providers

Rootstock Faucet

Block Explorers

Derivation Path

Mainnet: m/44'/137'/0'/0/N
Testnet: m/44'/37310'/0'/0/N
When using BIP-44-compa­tible wallet software, you will need to specify a derivation path.




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