Libraries to Import
library(readr) |
library(dplyr) |
library(ggplot2) |
library(broom) |
library(caret) |
library(rpart) |
library(splines) |
library(party) |
library(leaps) |
library(glmnet) |
library(MASS) |
library(class) |
Data Conversion
as.array(x) |
as.character(x) | |
as.factor(x) |
as.logical(x) |
as.numeric(x) |
folds <- crossv_kfold(data, k = 5) [k is the number of folds] |
Regularization - Ridge & Lasso
lambdas_to_try <- 10seq(-3, 5, length.out = 100)^ |
ridge_cv <- cv.glmnet(X, y, alpha = 0, lambda = lambdas_to_try,standardize = TRUE, nfolds = 10) [Setting alpha = 0 implements ridge regression] |
lasso <- glmnet(data_x, data_y, alpha = 1.0) |
Random Forest
randomForest(formula, data) [formula is a formula describing the predictor and response variables. data is the name of the data set used] |
Basic Codes
read_csv("path/nhanes.csv") [Read nhanes.csv in the path/ folder (readr)] |
View(df) [View tabular data frame df in a graphical viewer] |
mean, median, range [Descriptive stats. Remember na.rm=TRUE if desired] |
filter(df, ..,) [ Filters data frame according to condition ... (dplyr)] |
factor(x, levels=c("wt", "mutant")) [Create factor specifying level order] |
relevel(x, ref="wildtype") [Re-level a factor variable] |
t.test(y~grp, data=df) [T-test mean y across grp in data df] |
lmfit <- lm(y~x1+x2, data=df) [Fit linear model y against two x’s] |
anova(lmfit) [Print ANOVA table on object returned from lm()] |
summary(lmfit) [Get summary information about a model fit with lm()] |
TukeyHSD(aov(lmfit)) [ANOVA Post-hoc pairwise contrasts] |
wilcox.test(y~grp, data=df) [Wilcoxon rank sum / Mann-Whitney U test] |
xt <- xtabs(~x1+x2, data=df) [Cross-tabulate a contingency table] |
addmargins(xt) [Adds summary margin to a contingency table xt] |
addmargins(xt) [Adds summary margin to a contingency table xt] |
chisq.test(xt) [Chi-square test on a contingency table xt] |
fisher.test(xt) [Fisher’s exact test on a contingency table xt] |
mosaicplot(xt) [Mosaic plot for a contingency table xt] |
power.t.test(n, power, sd, delta) [T-test power calculations] |
power.prop.test(n, power, p1, p2) [Proportions test power calculations] |
tidy() augment() glance() [Model tidying functions in the broom package] |
Data Information |
is.null(x) |
is.nan(x) |
is.array(x) | |
is.numeric(x) |
is.complex(x) |
is.character(x) |
head(x) |
tail(x) |
summary(x) |
str(x) |
length(x) |
dim(x) |
dimnames(x) |
attr(x,which) |
nrow(x) |
ncol(x) |
NROW(x) |
NCOL(x) |
class(x) |
unclass(x) |
Data Splitting
createDataPartition(y,p=0.8) [createDaIt splits a vector 'y' with 80 percent data in one part and 20 percent in other parttaPartition(y,p=0.8)] |
trainControl( summaryFunction=<Rfunction>,classProbs=<logical>) [It is used for controlling training parameters like resampling, number of folds, iteration etc.] |
densityplot.rfe(x,data,...) [Lattice functions for plotting resampling results of recursive feature selection] |
featureplot(x,y,plot...) [A shortcut to produce lattice plots] |
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