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Git - one branch, one author Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by [deleted]

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Basic Setup

configure settings
git config --global "My Name"
set user name
git config --global "myname­@sc­hoo­"
set user email
git config --global color.ui "­aut­o"
make it colorful
git config --list
see all settings
git init
initialize repository in current directory
touch .gitignore
setup txt file with list of files and direct­ories to ignore (one per line)
ignore pdf files everywhere
ignore everything in models directory
don't ignore the scripts directory underneath models
git -rm --cached file1
file1 was tracked at one point and keeps showing up in git status - this removes it from tracking (as long as file1 is also in .gitig­nore)


git log
show all commits
escape long readout and return to command line
git log -oneline
returns just one line per commit (commit hash + message)
git log -n
view n most recent commits
git log file
show file commits
git log --before date
date specified as yyy-mm-dd or 2.days.ago
git log --after date --before date
specify date range
git log -p
view entire diff of changes for each commit found
git log --stat
summary of changes in each commit (# lines added, removed, etc.)
git checkout abcde file
checkout specific version of file

Local changes

special bash
git mv oldfile newfile
preserves git history when renaming. git also figures it out if
git add newfile
git rm oldfile
, but that takes longer.
git status
shows all files that have been changed since last commit
git diff file1
compare local file1 to last commit of file1
whoops - undo!
git checkout -- file1
go back to previous committed version, toss all changes out the window
git add file1 file2 file3
stage files for commit
whoops - undo!
git rm --cached file1
unstage file1
git rm -r --cached .
unstage all files recurs­ively
git commit -m "My messag­e"
commit staged files with a message
git commit -a -m "My messag­e"
stages all modified or removed files first (combines add and commit)
whoops - undo!
git commit --amend
edit the last message (if file has changed, changes will also be added to last commit)
git commit --amend -m "­Better messag­e"
git reset HEAD~1
undo entire commit, changes are still there but are now unstaged
git reset --hard HEAD~1
undo entire commit, revert to previous version (changes all gone)
git reset --hard abcde
return to specified version
git revert HEAD~2
go back to earlier version by making new commit (rather than undoing commits)
git rm
totally deletes the file (+ git tracking). To only remove file from git tracking,
git rm --cached

Forks and Branches

fork button
On the repository you want to contribute to