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ES Electrical Engineering Cheat Sheet by [deleted]



EM Theory
Electric and magnetic fields. Gauss’s Law and Amperes Law. Fields in dielec­trics, conductors and magnetic materials. Maxwell’s equations. Time varying fields. Plane-Wave propag­ating in dielectric and conducting media. Transm­ission lines.
Band Theory, Conduc­tors, Semi-c­ond­uctors and Insula­tors. Super-­con­duc­tivity. Insulators for electrical and electronic applic­ations. Magnetic materials. Ferro and ferri magnetism. Ceramics, Properties and applic­ations. Hall effect and its applic­ations. Special semi conduc­tors.
Circuits elements. Kirchoff’s Laws. Mesh and nodal analysis. Network Theorems and applic­ations. Natural response and forced response. Transient response and steady state response for arbitrary inputs. Properties of networks in terms of poles and zeros. Transfer function. Resonant circuits. Threephase circuits. Two-port networks. Elements of two-el­ement network synthesis.
Units and Standards. Error analysis, measur­ement of current, Voltage, power, Power-­factor and energy. Indicating instru­ments. Measur­ement of resist­ance, induct­ance, Capaci­tance and frequency. Bridge measur­ements. Electronic measuring instru­ments. Digital Voltmeter and frequency counter. Transd­ucers and their applic­ations to the measur­ement of non-el­ect­rical quantities like temper­ature, pressure, flow-rate displa­cement, accele­ration, noise level etc. Data acquis­ition systems. A/D and D/A conver­ters.
Mathem­atical modeling of physical systems. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs and their reduction. Time domain and frequency domain analysis of linear dynamical system. Errors for different type of inputs and stability criteria for feedback systems. Stability analysis using Routh-­Hurwitz array, Nyquist plot and Bode plot. Root locus and Nicols chart and the estimation of gain and phase margin. Basic concepts of compen­sator design. State variable matrix and its use in system modelling and design. Sampled data system and perfor­mance of such a system with the samples in the error channel. Stability of Sampled data system. Elements of non-linear control analysis. Control system compon­ents, electr­ome­cha­nical, hydraulic, pneumatic compon­ents.

Paper II
Magnetic Circuits - Analysis and Design of Power transf­ormers. Constr­uction and testing. Equivalent circuits. Losses and effici­ency. Regula­tion. Auto-t­ran­sfo­rmer, 3-phase transf­ormer. Parallel operat­ion.Basic concepts in rotating machines. EMF, torque, Basic machine types. Constr­uction and operation, leakage losses and effici­enc­y.B.C. Machines. Constr­uction, Excitation methods. Circuit models. Armature reaction and commut­ation. Charac­ter­istics and perfor­mance analysis. Generators and motors. Starting and speed control. Testing, Losses and effici­ency. Synchr­onous Machines. Constr­uction. Circuit model. Operating charac­ter­istics and perfor­mance analysis. Synchr­onous reactance. Effici­ency. Voltage regula­tion. Salien­t-pole machine, Parallel operation. Hunting. Short circuit transi­ents. Induction Machines. Constr­uction. Principle of operation. Rotating fields. Charac­ter­istics and perfor­mance analysis. Determ­ination of circuit model. Circle diagram. Starting and speed control. Fractional KW motors. Single­-phase synchr­onous and induction motors.
Types of Power Stations, Hydro, Thermal and Nuclear Stations. Pumped storage plants. Economics and operating factors.
Power transm­ission lines. Modeling and perfor­mance charac­ter­istics. Voltage control. Load flow studies. Optimal power system operation. Load frequency control. Symmet­rical short circuit analysis. ZBus formul­ation. Symmet­rical Compon­ents. Per Unit repres­ent­ation. Fault analysis. Transient and steady­-state stability of power systems. Equal area criterion. Power system Transi­ents. Power system Protection Circuit breakers. Relays. HVDC transm­ission.
Semico­nductor device physics, PN junctions and transi­stors, circuit models and parame­ters, FET, Zener, tunnel, Schottky, photo diodes and their applic­ations, rectifier circuits, voltage regulators and multip­liers, switching behavior of diodes and transi­stors. Small signal amplif­iers, biasing circuits, frequency response and improv­ement, multistage amplifiers and feed-back amplif­iers, D.C. amplif­iers, Oscill­ators. Large signal amplif­iers, coupling methods, push pull amplif­iers, operat­ional amplif­iers, wave shaping circuits. Multiv­ibr­ators and flip-flops and their applic­ations. Digital logic gate families, universal gates-­com­bin­ation circuits for arithmetic and logic operat­ional, sequential logic circuits. Counters, registers, RAM and ROMs.
Microp­roc­essor archit­ect­ure­-In­str­uction set and simple assembly language progra­mming. Interf­acing for memory and I/O. Applic­ations of Micro-­pro­cessors in power system.
Types of modula­tion; AM, FM and PM. Demodu­lators. Noise and bandwidth consid­era­tions. Digital commun­ication systems. Pulse code modulation and demodu­lation. Elements of sound and vision broadc­asting. Carrier commun­ica­tion. Frequency division and time division multip­lexing, Telemetry system in power engine­ering.
Power Semico­nductor devices. Thyristor. Power transi­stor, GTOs and MOSFETS. Charac­ter­istics and operation. AC to DC Conver­ters; 1-phase and 3-phase DC to DC Conver­ters; AC regula­tors. Thyristor controlled reactors; switched capacitor networks. Inverters; single­-phase and 3-phase. Pulse width modula­tion. Sinusoidal modulation with uniform sampling. Switched mode power supplies.


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