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EE Gate Cheat Sheet by [deleted]

EE Gate Syllabus

EE Syllabus

Engine­ering Mathem­atics

Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigen vectors.

Calculus: Mean value theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Partial Deriva­tives, Maxima and minima, Multiple integrals, Fourier series. Vector identi­ties, Direct­ional deriva­tives, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green's theorems.

Differ­ential equations: First order equation (linear and nonlin­ear), Higher order linear differ­ential equations with constant coeffi­cients, Method of variation of parame­ters, Cauchy's and Euler's equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Partial Differ­ential Equations and variable separable method.

Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor's and Laurent' series, Residue theorem, solution integrals.

Probab­ility and Statistics: Sampling theorems, Condit­ional probab­ility, Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Discrete and continuous distri­but­ions, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distri­bution, Correl­ation and regression analysis.

Numerical Methods: Solutions of non-linear algebraic equations, single and multi-step methods for differ­ential equations.

Transform Theory: Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-tran­sform.

Verbal Ability: English grammar, sentence comple­tion, verbal analogies, word groups, instru­ctions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction.

Electrical Engine­ering
Electric Circuits and Fields: Network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh analysis, transient response of dc and ac networks; sinusoidal steady­-state analysis, resonance, basic filter concepts; ideal current and voltage sources, Theven­in's, Norton's and Superp­osition and Maximum Power Transfer theorems, two-port networks, three phase circuits; Gauss Theorem, electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distri­but­ions; Ampere's and Biot-S­avart's laws; induct­ance; dielec­trics; capaci­tance.

Signals and Systems: Repres­ent­ation of continuous and discre­te-time signals; shifting and scaling operat­ions; linear, time-i­nva­riant and causal systems; Fourier series repres­ent­ation of continuous periodic signals; sampling theorem; Fourier, Laplace and Z transf­orms.

Electrical Machines: Single phase transf­ormer - equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and effici­ency; three phase transf­ormers - connec­tions, parallel operation; auto-t­ran­sfo­rmer; energy conversion princi­ples; DC machines - types, windings, generator charac­ter­istics, armature reaction and commut­ation, starting and speed control of motors; three phase induction motors - princi­ples, types, perfor­mance charac­ter­istics, starting and speed control; single phase induction motors; synchr­onous machines - perfor­mance, regulation and parallel operation of genera­tors, motor starting, charac­ter­istics and applic­ations; servo and stepper motors.

Power Systems: Basic power generation concepts; transm­ission line models and perfor­mance; cable perfor­mance, insula­tion; corona and radio interf­erence; distri­bution systems; per-unit quanti­ties; bus impedance and admittance matrices; load flow; voltage control; power factor correc­tion; economic operation; symmet­rical compon­ents; fault analysis; principles of over-c­urrent, differ­ential and distance protec­tion; solid state relays and digital protec­tion; circuit breakers; system stability concepts, swing curves and equal area criterion; HVDC transm­ission and FACTS concepts.

Control Systems: Principles of feedback; transfer function; block diagrams; steady­-state errors; Routh and Niquist techni­ques; Bode plots; root loci; lag, lead and lead-lag compen­sation; state space model; state transition matrix, contro­lla­bility and observ­abi­lity.

Electrical and Electronic Measur­ements: Bridges and potent­iom­eters; PMMC, moving iron, dynamo­meter and induction type instru­ments; measur­ement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor; instrument transf­ormers; digital voltmeters and multim­eters; phase, time and frequency measur­ement; Q-meters; oscill­osc­opes; potent­iom­etric recorders; error analysis.

Analog and Digital Electr­onics: Charac­ter­istics of diodes, BJT, FET; amplifiers - biasing, equivalent circuit and frequency response; oscill­ators and feedback amplif­iers; operat­ional amplifiers - charac­ter­istics and applic­ations; simple active filters; VCOs and timers; combin­ational and sequential logic circuits; multip­lexer; Schmitt trigger; multi-­vib­rators; sample and hold circuits; A/D and D/A conver­ters; 8-bit microp­roc­essor basics, archit­ecture, progra­mming and interf­acing.

Power Electr­onics and Drives: Semico­nductor power diodes, transi­stors, thyris­tors, triacs, GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs - static charac­ter­istics and principles of operation; triggering circuits; phase control rectif­iers; bridge converters - fully controlled and half contro­lled; principles of choppers and inverters; basis concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives.


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