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PAN-OS Cheat Sheet by [deleted]

User-ID commands from PAN-OS 9.1


show user ip-use­r-m­apping <all| ip>
Show all user to IP mappings
show user user-ids <all | match-­use­r>
Show user ids and the groups they belong to
show user ip-por­t-u­ser­-ma­pping
Show user is in a terminal server enviro­nment
show user user-i­d-agent
Show the state, statistics or config of user agents
show user local-­userdb
Show local user database

Config­uration Commands

Enters configure mode
load config version
Load a version of the saved config­ura­tions
load config from
Load a named config file
load config last saved
load last saved config­uration
save config to <fi­len­ame>
Save the current config to the named file
Commit changes to the running config
up one level of the config­uration
revert config
revert config to previous version

Helpful Commands

find command keyword
Find any command through keyword search
Capture traffic on the management port
view-pcap mgmt-pcap
View captured traffic
set parameters such as ssh-au­the­nti­cation


show system info
System inform­ation database versions etc
debug system proces­s-info
Runs a command like top in linux
debug mainte­nan­ce-mode
Reboot the system to mainte­nance mode
debug ssl-vpn global­-pr­ote­ct-­gateway
Global protect debugging options
debug sslmgr
debugging the sslmgr daemon (certi­fic­ates)


show system info
System inform­ation database versions etc
debug system proces­s-info
Runs a command like top in linux


show system info
System inform­ation database versions etc
debug system proces­s-info
Runs a command like top in linux


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