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Cysec Inter Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Postsale SE preparation

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Element of security: Applic­ation security

Including dev, add, test security features
Type: Authen­tif­ica­tion, Author­iza­tion, Encryp­tion, Logging, App security testing

CIA triad

Confid­ent­iality: the one who is not authorized should not have access to data. Way to steal: capture data. Should send through vpn tunnel or encryption
Integrity: only authorized people can modify. Check: use hash, like MD5 and SHA
Availa­bility: always ready. Should maintain, avoid bottle neck, check upgrade, backup plan

TCP 3 handshakes

SYN: synchr­onize sequence number is sent to server, want to connect
ACK-SYN: server acknow­ledge, send back the syn number to start with
ACK: acknow­ledge the message, send back the ACK to server and establish connection


Easy way for user to remember address to find specific website.
Consist of subdom­­pdomain
Manage by domain registries
URL = domain name+p­rot­oco­l+s­pecific location
Type domain name => browser ask DNS => look up => give IP address


Hardwa­re/­Sof­twa­re-base network security device
Monitor incoming, outgoing traffic and can accept, deny, drop
Base on defined rule


Create tunel
Connect to VPN servic­es-­connect to vpn server-all data transfer through that server


Well-known port
Registered port
Dynamic port


Worm; spread quick, infect file and file-s­haring. Cause data loss, data leak, malware instal­lation, detected by fw and antivirus
Spyware: spy, no other
Ransom­ware: gain access to sensitive data end encrypt, require vip card
Trojan: need host (unlike worm) to spread, pretend to be a cutie program, gain access to system, detected by antivirus
Rootkit: gain admin access, need specia­lized tools, not just av


DES, Double DES, Triple DES
Advanced ES
Blowfish: use 18 key of 32-bit, quick and effective