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QE Project Considerations Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

QE Project Considerations

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Non-Fu­nct­ional Requir­ements

Normal workload to measure response times
Peak workload designed to observe software stability under extremes
Extended normal workload to observe memory utilis­ati­on/­leaks
Stress test in short bursts to observe stability under extremes
Step up load to monitor software capability under increasing load
Injection of large volumes of data into app to monitor behaviour
Perfor­mance Testing Goals:
- check if desired perfor­mance criteria are met
- identify limita­tions in perfor­mance
- compare perfor­mance charac­ter­istics

3 Amigos

What is the purpose of the feature?
How can we measure? Usage Analytics etc.
Feature Behaviour
What are the business rules?
What are the risks of implem­enting the feature?
Is it too big? Can it be thin sliced?
Quality Attributes
Could this affect perfor­mance?
Could this introduce Security Vulner­abi­lities?
What are the quality attributes of the feature?
How will we test this feature?
What automated tests will it have?
Do we have the right data to test it?