A cheat sheet of the commands and hints I use most for Linux
ls $(which cp)
ls `which cp`
Command expansion |
mkdir {2017...2020}-{01-12}
Brace expansion |
echo text ~/*.txt {a,b} $USER
Variable expansion |
echo "text ~/*.txt {a,b} $USER"
" expansion |
echo 'text ~/*.txt {a,b} $USER'
' expansion (NONE) |
Redirection & Commands
Standard Out |
Standard Error |
ls > file.txt 2>&1
ls &> file.txt
Standard Out & Error |
Read stdin & writes stdout |
Run cmd1 then cmd2 |
Run cmd2 if cmd1 is OK |
Run cmd2 if cmd1 is KO |
su / sudo
Become another user, ROOT
by default. If -
or -l
, load user envs and working dir.
Execute command as user. Default root
Execute command as user. Default root
Which commands I'm allowed to execute
Edit /etc/sudoers
file. Example teralco ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/jboss teralco ALL=(jboss) NOPASSWD: /bin/kill
ufw status [verbose|numbered]
Show status and rules
ufw default deny incoming
ufw default allow outgoing
Deny all incoming traffic by default Allow all outgoing traffic by default
ufw [allow|deny] from IP to [any|interface_name] [proto tcp|udp] port PORT
Full allow/deny rule
ufw [allow|deny] service_name
Allow/deny a service ( ssh www ftp ...
Alt commands
/var/log/messages & /var/log/syslog
System log files
Record session commands in file
Keep command running even after close session
tar -Jxvf file.tar.xz [-C dest_folder]
Extract xz (higher compress ratio)
zip -FF --out && unzip
Merge zip files (, x.z01, x.z02)
Higher memory consumption processes
List partition tables
dd bs=4M if=input.iso of=/dev/sd? conv=fdatasync
Burn iso in device
find path -name *.log -type f -mtime +5 -exec rm -rvf {} \;
Find and delete files older than 5 days
find path -type f -printf "%s\t%p\n" | sort -rn | head -10
Find the 10 biggest files
grep -rlie 'pattern' path
Find files with pattern content
du -cks path/* | sort -rn | head -10
Find biggest dirs
Dir size
chmod [u|g|o][+|-|=][rwx] dir_file
Change permissions
Set uid. File is always exec as owner user
Set gid. New files in folder are always owned by folder owner
Sticky Bit. Files in dir can only be renamed or removed by owner or root
Set default permissions to dirs
/etc/profile /etc/bash.bashrc
Global env config files |
User env config file |
Print defined env vars |
Show defined aliases |
Make a VAR available to child process |
Load a file into current script or shell session |
Show ips
ifup|ifdown interface_name
Up or down an interface
File interfaces are defined
hostnamectl [set-hostname hostname]
Manage hostname ( /etc/hostname
) without restarting
All tcp and udp listening ports
All tcp and udp listening ports
Scan port in host
ssh-keygen [-f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key] -t rsa -b 4096
Generate ssh rsa key. By default ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-copy-id [-i ~/.ssh/mykey] user@host
Copy ssh key in remote host ( /.ssh/authorized_keys
). By default /.ssh/id_rsa
Exec command in host
Connect to hostB through hostA (Jumping). Identification in localhost. Can use ProxyJump
in ~/.ssh/config
ssh -D port -fCqN user@host
Proxy socket (HTTP and HTTPS traffic) through port.
ssh -nNT -L 9000:remote_server:80 user@host
Tunneling (Local port forwarding). Map remote_server:80
into localhost:9000
through host
ssh -nNT -R 9000:localhost:3000 user@host
Tunneling (Remote port forwarding). Map localhost:3000
into host:9000
Created By
TME520, 23:55 4 May 20
Nice, I will use it.
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