Strings |
string = "words" or 'words' |
conect |
string1+string2 |
multiply |
string*3 |
compare ('if' or 'if not') |
string1 == string2 (or != or > or <) |
check ('if or 'if not') |
'substring' in string |
position |
string[0] or string[-1] or string[x] |
slicing |
string[start:end:step] |
string[:3] or string[1:] |
string[::-1] inverted |
Slicing strings
slicing: |
string[start:end:step] |
from start to end |
string[2:5] |
from start |
string[:5] |
to the end |
string[2:] |
jumping |
string[2:5:2] |
negative/inverted |
string[::-1] |
Modify strings
remove whitespaces before and after the string |
string.strip() |
or remove any 'characters' |
string.strip('ch') |
only before(left) the string |
string.lstrip() |
only after(right) the string |
string.rstrip() |
replace string |
string.replace("old value", "new value", counter) |
counter is how many occurences from start, nothing is default and means every occurrence |
use it to remove whitespaces inside the string |
string.replace(" ", "") |
split strings create list from strings |
string.split(separator,maxsplit) |
separator is optional, whitespace is default |
string.split(",") |
maxsplit is optional, all occurrences is default(-1) |
string.split("-",1) |
find string |
string.find("value",start,end) |
find the first occurrence of a substring in a string |
string.find("substring") |
start and end are optional |
string.find("substring",3,10) |
returns the position of the substring |
index and find are the same, except that when false find returns -1 and index returns error |
string.index("substring") |
lowercase |
string.lower() |
uppercase |
string.upper() |
capitalize first char upper |
string.capitalize() |
title first char of each word upper |
string.title() |
join values of a list/dict/tuple/ into string |
' '.join(list) |
count the occurences of substring in a string |
string.count('substring') |
Format strings
str.format |
'Hello, {} and {}'.format(string, string2) |
f-string (3.6+) |
f'Hello, {string} and {string2}' |
Integer numbers into strings* |
f'Hello, {string:_}' |
'b' - binary |
{string:b} |
'c' - character (ASCII) |
'Hello, {example:c}'.format(example = 'String', ...) |
'd' - decimal |
'Hello, {0:d} and {1}.format(string,string2) |
'o' - octal |
{string:o} |
'x' - hexadecimal, lowercase |
'Hello, {0.x} and {0:X}.format(string) |
'X' - hexadecimal, uppercase |
{string:X} |
'n' - number, decimal in local language OS |
{string:n} |
Floating-point |
f'{integer:f}' (6 standard) |
round(a,2) |
f'{integer:.2f}' (2 decimal digits) |
'e' ou 'E' - scientific notation (6 standard) |
{:e}.format(999) |
'E' - scientific notation (6 standard) |
f'{999:.3E}' |
'g' precisão >=1, round digits p to significant digit |
{:g}.format(12.1231235843) |
'n' - same as 'g', but local language OS |
f'{12.1231235843:n}' |
'%' - multiply the number *100 and '%' after |
f'{0.05:%}' |
two digits before '.' and two after |
'{:2.2%}'.format(0.05) |
Spacing |
'<' left align / '^' center align / '>' right align |
'{0:<16}'.format(string) / f.'{string:^16}' / {:>16} |
number of digits |
{:4) |
whitespaces if the string has less than 16.. |
{string:16} |
choose char instead of whitespace |
{*:16} |
List |
collection which is ordered and changeable. Allows duplicate members. |
Tuple |
collection which is ordered and unchangeable. Allows duplicate members. |
Dictionary |
collection which is ordered and changeable. No duplicate members. |
Set |
collection which is unordered, unchangeable, and unindexed. No duplicate members. |
Lists |
list = ["string", "string2", integer, Bool] |
ordered, changeable, allow duplicates |
list = [item1, item2, item3] |
Lenght |
len(list) |
Access [start index included:end index not] |
list[1] / list[-1], list[2:5], list[:5] |
Check if Item exists |
if "item" in list: |
Change items |
list[3] = "new_value" |
range of items |
list[2:5] = "new_value1", "new_value2" |
insert(index,value) without replacing any item |
list.insert(2, "item") |
append() add item to the end |
list.append("item") |
extend() add items from other list |
list.extend(list2) |
works with tuples also |
list.extend(tuple) |
remove() remove first matching value |
list.remove("string") |
pop() remove specified index, and returns it |
list.pop(1) |
del() remove specified index |
list.del(3) |
clear() empties the list |
list.clear() |
sort() sort the list alphanumerically |
list.sort() |
sort descending |
list.sort(reverse=True) |
reverse() order |
list.reverse() |
copy() make a copy |
list2 = list.copy() |
or use list() |
list3 = list(list2) |
Concatenate Lists |
list3 = list1 + list2 |
or use extend() |
list.extend(list2) |
count() returns the number of items* |
list.count() / list.count('value') |
index() finds the item and return its index |
list.index('value') |
min() / max() / sum() |
list.min() list.max() list.sum() |
enumerate(index, value) |
for i, v in enumerate(list): /n "{i} : {v}' |
for loop |
for x in list: |
through index |
for x in range(len(list)): |
while loop |
while x <= len(list): /n i+=1 |
list compreehension |
[print[x] for x in list] |
Tuples |
tuple = ("value1", int, bool ,"value1") |
are unordered, unchangeable, allow duplicates |
tuple = (item1,) |
Lenght |
len(tuple) |
Access [start index included:end index not] |
tuple[1] / tuple[-1], tuple[2:5], tuple[:5] |
Check if Item exists |
if "item" in tuple: |
Change items tuples are unchangeable |
list = list(tuple) |
convert tuple to list and back to tuple |
tuple = tuple(list) |
Concatenate add tuple to a tuple |
tuple1 + tuple2 / tuple1 =+ tuple2 |
Lists inside a tuple are changeable |
tuple = (["value1","value2"], item2, item3) |
count() returns the number of items |
tuple.count() / tuple.count('value') |
index() finds the item and return its index |
tuple.index('value') |
min() / max() / sum() |
tuple.min() tuple.max() tuple.sum() |
enumerate(index, value) |
for i, v in enumerate(tuple): /n "{i} : {v}' |
for loop |
for x in tuple: |
through index |
for x in range(len(tuple)): |
while loop |
while x <= len(tuple): /n i+=1 |
list compreehension |
[print[x] for x in tuple] |
Dictionaries |
dict = {"key":"value", "key2":"value2"} |
ordered, changeable, do not allow duplicates |
dict={"key1": bool,"key2":int, "key3": [list]} |
dict cannot have same keys |
Lenght |
len(dict) |
Access get the value of the "key" |
value1 = dict["key1"] |
dict.get("key","return if not found") |
value4 = dict.get("key4", "Not found") |
List of Keys |
x = dict.keys() |
Check if key exists |
if "keys" in dict: |
if values exists |
if "value1" in dict.values() |
Change values of a key |
dict["key"] = value |
using update() |
dict.update({'key':'value'}) |
Add |
dict["key"] = value |
also can use update() |
dict.update({'key':'value'}) |
Remove .pop or popitem(removes the last key inserted)) |
dict.pop("key") / dict.popitem() |
using del |
del dict("key") |
del can delete the dictionary completely |
del dict |
clear empties the dictionary |
dict.clear() or dict = {} |
Copy |
dict = dict2 / dict2 = dict.copy() / dict2 = dict(dict) |
items() |
dict.items() |
keys() |
dict.keys() |
values() |
dict.values() |
for loop |
for keys in dict: |
keys |
for keys in dict.keys(): |
values |
for values in dict.values(): |
keys and values |
for keys, values in dict.items() |
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