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surveying Final exam sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

surveying basic concepts and examples

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


What is survey­ing­?Co­lle­ction, processing & management of spacial inform­ation
Why is it import­ant­?Land ownership, engine­ering, mining, marine naviga­tion, mappin­g,etc.
What is geomat­ics­?Study of Earth
What is geosen­sin­g?m­eas­urement of the Earth from remote, moving platforms
To define a horizontal plane: vertical axis matches gravity vector.Plane tangent to level surfac­e.Long distances you can't use earth as a plane, need to account for the curvature
the vertical rate of change is higher than horizontal
vertic­al/­ele­vation angle: angle to a point with respect to horizontal plane
zenith angle:­angle to a point with respect to the zenith (vertical direction)
horizontal angle: angle between two points measured in the horizontal plane
Field notes:­acc­uracy, integrity, legibi­lity, arrang­ement, clarit­y.P­enc­il.C­ross mistak­es.E­vi­dence

Module 2 - leveling

Process of determ­ining elevation (heights) or difference in elevation
level surface: curved surface orthogonal to plum line everywhere
vertical line: direction of gravit­y(i­ndi­cated by plumb line)
collim­ation axis: horizontal plane of instrument
vertical datum: any level surface to which heights are referred
mean sea level: mean height of ocean level taken from 26 gauges over 19 years
tidal datum: avg. of all high water over 19 years
elevation: vertical distance above datum
BM: permanent monument which elevation is known
earth curvature
systematic error. if BS&FS distances are the same then effect is cancelled
difference in temper­ature & pressure with altitude riser difference in refraction index of atm. systematic error.


height differ­enc­e:d­umpy, tilting, automatic level
distan­ce:­steel band (account T & Fpull)­;nylon tape;e­lec­tronic distance measur­ement
angula­r:t­heo­dol­ite­;el­ect­ronic theodolite
distan­ce+­ang­ula­r:total station
other:­global positi­oning system­(gp­s);­laser scanner

Module 1

Signif­icant Figures SG
accuracy: #of digits recorded
add/su­bst­rac­t:l­eft­mos­t,r­igh­tmost sg
multip­lic­ati­on:­least #sg of factors
Source­s:n­atural, instru­mental &p­ersonal
-mista­kes­/gross error or blunder. ex:read a tape incorr­ectly
-syste­matic. physical or geometric law can correct. ex:thermal expansion of steel band
-random. can't be corrected or modeled.
accuracy: nearness to true value. error is random.
precise: consis­tency of a group of observ­ations, may contain systematic error
probab­ility (most probable #)Dbar­=(∑D/n) ; (residual) ν=Dbar-D
surveys contain redundant info: analysis of residuals for accuracy and remain systematic error. more equation than unknowns assumes normally distri­buted random error.
error propag­ation
root mean² error RMSE=√­((∑­Dba­r-D­)²/n)
standard deviation σ=±√((­∑ν²­)/(­n-1))

Module 6

Lidar: light detection and ranging. Mainly concerned with the precise timing and range determ­ination of the return signal. generally based on pulse lasers
Laser: light amplif­ication by stimulated emission of radiation. safety concerns: MPE (max. permis­sible exposure) parameter: exposure durati­on/­pulse width

Cadastral surveying

tenure: legal structure by which land is owned
Land tenure compon­ents:
1- method of transf­erring ownership (title) via deeds (written documents which contain descri­ption of the property)
2- perman­ently marked boundaries on the ground
3- officially maintain ownership records. (county clerks office or US bureau of land manage­men­t-BLM)
4-official legal descri­ption
common law: law that has been developed on the basis of preceding rulings by judges
statutory law: written laws passed by legisl­ative and government of a country and those which have been accepted by society
Types of cadrastral surveying:
1- original: land has not yet been measured and lines of ownership set
2- retrac­ement: purpose of relocating ore reesta­bli­shing previously surveying boundary lines. restore boundary markers to their original location, not to correct them. General priori­ties: senior rights; intent of parties; call for a survey; monuments (natural, artifi­cial); measur­ements (distance, direction, area, coordi­nates)
3- subdiv­ision survey: establish new smaller parcels of land within lands already surveyed
property descri­ption methods:
1- metes and bounds: Colonial method. giant descri­ption. start with a point of commen­cement (POC)
2- block and lot: reference a plat that has been filed in the clerks office. simple, concise and fewer conflicts. descri­ptions usually created simult­ane­ously and thus are not subjected to senior rights: excess or deficiency found in prorated equally.
3- coordi­nates: state plane coordi­nates. Pros: virtual monument that does not degrade; easily re-est­abl­ished; concise. Cons: refere­nce­/datum is not static due to earth movement.
4- public land survey system PLSS
Adverse posses­sion: gain title to a land that is not yours. requir­ements: actual posses­sion; exclusive posses­sion; open & notorious posses­sion; hostile posses­sion; continuous posses­sio­n(d­epends on state). may require a "­color of title" (claim to a parcel of real property based on some written instru­ment, though a defective one)

Units of Linear measur­ement

1nautical mile=6­076.10ft

Module 3

Chaining: nylon tape/steel band. Error: incorrect length, temper­ature, incorrect tension.
Edm:classified accord:
1- radiation source: optical or microwave
2-meas­urement principal: phase difference or pulse
pulse method: Problems: energy does not behave like a box. gaussian shape signal processing issue. more convenient type but not as accurate
phase method: ambiguity: unknown integer # of cycles between the instrument & reflector. Large wave lengths could measure distance without amb. Since n=0 when your are within one cycle
3- wheter a reflector is requires or not

Module 7

Compound curve: different radius of curvature
broken­-back curve: 2 difference curves connected by a tangent
reverse curve: S shape
spiral: has variable radius of curvature and provides a smooth transition from tangent to a certain radius of curvature
centri­petal: force you car feels toward the center of radius of curvature. Counte­r-b­alanced by: supere­lev­ation (e) and side friction factor (fc)
centri­fugal: imaginary force that drivers feel pushing them outward due to frame of reference.
Supere­lev­ation: limits related to: climate, terrain condit­ions, type of area, frequency of slow moving vehicles
side friction: used to maintain path on curve.


why? recogn­ition of the value of grid-s­ystem subdiv­ision and need of the colonies to revenue from the sale of public lands
designed to maximize number of regular sized sections and minimize field work
bounda­ries: unchan­geable.
1mile=­80chain and 1acre=­10ch^2
broken into: quadra­ngl­es;­tow­nsh­ips­;se­cti­on;­1/4­section
discre­pancies thrown into sections bordering NW township
surveys proceed S->N and E->W
Colonial survey: metes & bounds. often dictated by the topography and other pre-ex­isting landmarks

Module 4

Bearing: horizontal angle between the line and the chosen direction north
Azimuth: bearing referred to true north
deflection angle: counte­r-clock angle. note: back bearing: forward +180°
compass: angular survey measur­ement. bearing wrt magnetic N
geodetic azimuth: magnetic azimut­h+d­ecl­ina­tion. Magnetic pole is always moving, declin­ation not constant
agonic line: zero declin­ation, mag & rotational pole at the same meridian
angular measur­ement: theodolite levelled so that horizontal angle or directions are measured in horizontal plane.
double centering: angles are measured twice: face left and face right (rotated 180°). Elimin­ating systematic errors
closing the horizon: method which all angles at a station are measured
theodolite errors:collim­ation error: system­atic. the collim­ation axis is not orthogonal to the trunnion axis. Collim­ation axis traces out a flat cone rather than a vertical plane.

Module 5

Traver­sing: control for constr­uction set-out. cadastral surveys to locate or establish bounda­ries.
traverse station: temporary or permanent point of the traverse

Module 8

Low point: defines location of catch basin for drainage
high point defines limits of drainage area for roadways
Design of vertical curve
crest: sight distance, appear­ance, safety, comfort
sag: headlight sight distance, rider comfort, drainage, appearance
comfort: change in grade, design speed
appear­ance: change in grande