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Topic 3 - Infection and Response Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

GCSE AQA Biology Topic 3: Infection and Response

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Viruses are not cells
They are very small (about 1/100th the size of a bacterium)
They move into cells and replicate themselves using the cell's systems
This causes the cells to burst making you feel ill, releasing all of the copies into the bloods­tream


Small prokar­yotic cells
Multiply rapidly by binary fission in your body
Toxins are produced which causes you to feel unwell


Can be single celled or have a body made of hyphae
Can produce spores which can be spread to other organisms


Some are parasitic meaning they use humans and snimals as their hosts
All eukaryotic and most are single celled

Reducing Spread of Disease

Improving Hygiene
Using simple hygiene measures can prevent the spread of disease. For example, doing thinhs like washing your hands thoroughly
Destroying Vectors
By taking precau­tions to remove vectors, you can prevent the disease from being passed on
If you isolate someone with a commun­icable disease, it prevents them from passing it on to anyone else
Vaccin­ating people and animals from commun­icable disease prevents them from developing the disease and passing it on

Spread of Pathogens

Direct Contact
touching contam­inated surfaces
By Water
drinking or coming into contact with dirty water
By Air
pathogens can be carried in the air and then breathed in (droplet infection happened when sneeze droplets are inhaled)


Human Immuno­def­iciency Virus (HIV) can eventually lead to Acquired Immuno­def­iciency Syndrome (AIDS)


- starts with flu-like illness and symptoms
- if untreated, can travel to lymph nodes and attack immune system cells
- can stay hidden for many years which is called AIDS


- direct sexual contact (eg unprot­ected sex)
- exchange of bodily fluids (eg blood through drug users sharing needles)
- mother to child during pregnancy, birth or breast feeding

Treatment and Prevention

- no cure but antire­tro­viral drugs used early can slow or halt the progress to AIDS
- using barrier methods of contra­ception to prevent spread
- not sharing needles or mixing blood


- It's a sexually transm­itted disease
- In 2018, it was the cause of 13% of diagnosed STDs - Bacterial infection and had the largest increase in the UK
- Thick yellow­/green discharge from genitals
- Can be asympt­omatic
- Can cause infert­ility, pelvic pain, ectopic pregna­ncies, blind babies
- Unprot­ected sex
Treatment and Preven­tion:
- Barrier methods of contra­ception
- can be treated with antibi­otics but many strains are now becoming resistant to penicillin
- tracing of all sexual partners in essential so all indivi­duals can be treated and/or treated


- Measles is a highly contagious and potent­ialyl fatal viral infection.
- Most often seen in children so the majority of young children are vaccinated


- fever
- red skin and a rash
- can lead to blindness and brain damage in extremely severe cases


- inhalation of droplets from coughs and sneezes
- very infectious as these droplets can linger in the air/on surfaces

Treatment and Prevention

- no treatment so infected people must be isolated to stop spread
- greatly reduced in the UK due to improved living conditions and a vaccin­ation programme for young children in place


- Salmonella food poisoning is spread by bacteria ingested in food or food which has been prepared in unhygienic conditions
- found in the gut of many different animals


- symptoms start between 8-72 hours after eating food
- generally doesn't last for more than a few days
- more serious in young children and the eldery due to dehydr­ation
- fever
- vomiting
- diarrhoea
- abdominal cramps


- uncooked, contam­inated food, including eggs and chicken
- bacteria can remain on surfaces for some time after so other foods can also get infected

Treatment and Prevention

- chickens in the UK are vaccinated for salmonella
- food should be cooked thoroughly
- hands should be washed before and after handling raw meat and other foods
- raw meat shouldn't be washed

Tobacco Mosaic Virus

- Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) was the first virus to be isolated
- Widespread plant pathogen which affects ~150 species of plant
- Mosaic pattern leaf discol­our­ation
- Stunted growth due to lack of photos­ynt­hesis taking place
- Plants in direct contact with an infected plant can also get the disease
- This particular virus can remain in the soil for ~50 years
Treatment and Preven­tion:
- No treatment currently
- Good field hygiene is the best method of control of TMV (this includes destroying any infected plants as soon as possible)
- Gentic­all­y-m­odified TMV-re­sistant crops could be grown