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French cheatsheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

French to english cheat sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Subject Pronouns

Je- I
nous- we
Tu- you (fam)
vous- you
vous- you (form)
Il- he/it (fem)
ils- They (masc+fem)
on- one
Elles- they (fem.)

Descri­ptive adjectives

Bleu- blue
joli- pretty
blond- blond
laid- ugly
brun- dark (Hair)
marron- brown (not for hair)
Chatain- brown (hair)
noir- black
court- short
petit- small, short (stature)
grand- tall, big
raide- straight (hair)
jeune- young
vert- green

Etre conjun­ction

Je suis- I am
nous sommes- we are
tu es- you are
Vous etes- you are
il/Elle est
he/she/it is
on est- one is