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Role and Scope of the Public Sector Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Understanding the role and responsibilities of the protective services within the wider public sector.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Scope of Protective Services

Uniformed Statutory Protective Services
Non-Un­iformed Statutory Services
Required to be in place to maintain law and order, provide emergency assistance and defend the country and its depend­encies
Required to be in place to provide essential services to the public
Emergency Services: police, fire and rescue service
Local author­ities: metrop­olitan borough councils, unitary author­ities, town councils, county councils, city councils
Armed Services: Army, RAF, Royal Navy
Central Govern­ment: Schools and education, legal aid, criminal justice systems
Custodial Care: HM Prison Service
Supporting uniformed non-st­atutory protective services: Army Reserves, RAF Reserves, Royal Navy Reserves, Special Consta­bulary
Supporting statutory protective services: UK Visas and Immigr­ation, NHS, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Highways England, Ambulance
The difference between a statutory and a non-st­atutory service is that a statutory service is funded by the government and is set up by the law.

Difference between public and protective services

Uniformed Protective Services: armed services, emergency services
Public Services: other uniformed public services, non-un­iformed public services.
Uniformed Protective Services consist of emergency services and custodial care whereas public service provide support to the protective services.

Purpose of Statutory Protective Services

Emergency Services
Armed Services
Prison Service
To respond quickly and safely to accidents, incidents or emerge­ncies
To defend the UK and its depend­encies
Custodial Care
To prevent incidents, including crime, public disorder, fire, accidents and injuries
To support intern­ational peacek­eeping duties and to support civil author­ities
Rehabi­lit­ation of offenders

Legal Requir­ements of other uniformed services

UK Visas and Immigr­ation
Highways England
UK Management
Dealing with accidents
Security of UK borders
Mainta­ining traffic flow

Legal Requir­ements of Non-Un­iformed

Local Author­ities
Central Government
Respon­sib­ility for the economic, social and enviro­nmental wellbeing of their area
Delivery of health and care services
Oversee the operation of the civil service, government agencies and depart­ments

Uniformed non-st­atutory protective services

Voluntary or Third Sector Services
Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI)
Royal British Legion
St John Ambulance
Red Cross
Mountain and Cave Rescue

Non-un­iformed non-st­atutory protective services

Utility Companies
Public Transp­ort­ation
Charity Organi­sations

Purpose of non-st­atutory protective services

Provide services that statutory services cannot or aren't able to cover
Support statutory services; provision by public, private, and third sector organi­sations
Provide assistance to statutory services in civil contin­gencies