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Science Olympiad - CellBio Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

this is a cheat sheet on cell biology

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Definition of a cell: fundam­ental structural and functional unit of all living organisms Charac­ter­istics of cells:  Contain highly organized molecular and bioche­mical systems and are used to store inform­ation  Use energy  Capable of movement  Sense enviro­nmental changes  Can duplicate (transfer genetic inform­ation to offspring)  Capable of self-r­egu­lation Most cells are micros­copic (invisible to the naked eye) and thus, a microscope is needed to view most cells. Cell Theory states: (Note – viruses are not living because they require a host cell to replicate)  All living organisms are composed of cells  Cells are the functional units of living organisms  Cells arise from preexi­sting cells via division Cell Structure:  Most cells are micros­copic and cannot be seen by the naked eye.  Micros­copes were developed to visualize cells.  Resolution is the minimum distance where 2 objects can be visually separated Depends on:-Wa­vel­ength of light & Refractive index of the medium of the light The naked eye can resolve two separate objects separated by 200 um
Prokar­yotic Cells- small and primitive bacteria and blue-green algae (cyano­bac­teria) Greek: Pro=before karyon­=nu­cleus  Lacks specia­lized internal membra­ne-­bound compar­tments known as organe­lles. Eukaryotic Cell- (eu=true karyon­=nu­cleus) o Possesses a complex membrane system o Has a true nucleus o Distinct membra­ne-­bound intrac­ellular compar­tments called organelles


Energy  Sunlight contains energy – under the right conditions it can be converted into other forms of energy as chemical bond energy, electr­icity, kinetic energy, heat, etc.  Light has both wave-like and partic­le-like proper­ties. o Packets of energy are called photons o Wavele­ngths of light are measured in units called nanometers (very small units) o The shorter the wavelength of light, the more energy it contains photon  Plants contain the pigment chloro­phyll (a & b) in the thylakoids of the chloro­plast  When sunlight hits a leaf, the light is absorbed – some of the light is transm­itted through the leaf like a filter and the rest is reflected away  The green in the photos­ynt­hesis causes red and blue to be absorbed while green and yellow are reflected away Importance of ATP  Chemical storage battery for cells – major energy currency for the cell  Production of much ATP requires membranes to generate current to make ATP  ATP cell functions o Transport work – moving substances across the cell in active transport o Mechanical work – supplying energy for muscle contra­ction, chromo­somes, and flagella o On-off switch to control chemical reactions and send messages.  Plants carry out both photos­ynt­hesis and cellular respir­ation  Almost all of ATP produced in photos­ynt­hesis is used in photos­ynt­hesis to provide the energy to produce the bonds for the glucose molecules  Amount of ATP produced in cellular respir­ation varies from cell to cell; emphasize quanti­tative aspects; most of ATP is produced via electron transport chain.  Main reason that cells need oxygen: to allow them to make lots of ATP. Oxygen cannot be stored, so it must be constantly supplied.
GLYCOLYSIS - or Sugar Breaking Reactions  Both Aerobic and Anaerobic Respir­ation begin by breaking down a six carbon sugar (glucose) into two molecules of a three carbon compound called pyruvate  Initial step(s) - energy requiring (2 ATP)  Subsequent steps  Two - substr­ate­-level phosph­ory­lations (4 ATP)  One - reduction of NAD to NADH (2 NADH)  Yield - 2 ATP & 2 NADH  Final product - 2 pyruvates

Regulating Cell Cycle

Regulating the Cell Cycle  Normal cells divide and reproduce until they come in contact with other cells o In a multic­ellular organism, cell growth and cell division are carefully contro­lled. o Skin and bone cells grow and divide rapidly throughout life while nerve and muscle cells usually stop dividing once developed o For example, when an injury such as a cut in the skin occurs, cells at the edge of the cut divide rapidly o When the healing process is nearly complete, the rate of cell division slows and then returns to normal o The main components of cell cycle regulation are CDKs (cyclin dependant kinases) and cyclins o CKDs remain at a constant number throughout the cycle whereas cyclins fluxuate. o Cyclins – a group of proteins – regulate the timing of the cell cycle o Controls on cell growth can be turned on and off by the body  The two main checkp­oints are G1-S and G2-M.  If there is no DNA damage in G1, then there will be enough cyclins produced to bind to the CDKs which allows the cell to enter S phase (DNA replic­ation).  The G2-M checkpoint ensures there is no DNA damage, and also that the chromo­somes have succes­sfully replic­ated.  If everything is in order, then the M phase cyclins will be abundant enough to bind to the CDKs. This allows the cell to enter into mitosis.  There are also other mechan­isms, such as p53 and Rb that are activated when damage is detected. They will either hold the cell in G1 phase until the damage is repaired or induce apoptosis (cell suicide) if the damage is too overwh­elming.  The condition caused by irregular cell growth is cancer.

Fluid Mosaic

Fluid Mosaic Model  For 30 years, the fluid mosaic model of Singer and Nicolson has provided the foundation for our unders­tanding of the structure of cellular membranes.
Lipid Rafts  There is structure within this sea of lipids that in turn imposes organi­zation on the distri­bution of proteins in the bilayer. The lipid “struc­tures” within the membrane ocean are called lipid rafts  The plasma membranes of cells contain combin­ations of glycos­phi­ngo­lipids and protein receptors organized in glycol­ipo­protein microd­omains termed lipid rafts. o These specia­lized membrane microd­omains compar­tme­ntalize cellular processes by serving as organizing centers for the assembly of signaling molecules, influe­ncing membrane fluidity and membrane protein traffi­cking, and regulating neurot­ran­smi­ssion and receptor traffi­cking. o Lipid rafts are more ordered and tightly packed than the surrou­nding bilayer, but float freely in the membrane bilayer. o Although more common in plasma membrane, lipid rafts have also been reported in other parts of the cell, such as Golgi and lysosomes.
Cell membrane with lipid rafts  Functions of the lipid rafts o Lipid rafts appear to exert both positive and negative control on signal transd­uction. o In their positive role, rafts containing different signaling proteins may cluster or fuse upon agonist stimul­ation, leading to the mixing of components and resulting in the activation of signaling pathways. o In their negative role, rafts may spatially segregate intera­cting components to block nonspe­cific pathway activa­tion, or may directly suppress the activity of signaling proteins present in rafts.

Light Reactions

 Photos­ynt­hesis is a reduction process, where hydrogen is reduced by a coenzyme. This is in contrast to respir­ation where glucose is oxidized.  Two major parts of photos­ynt­hesis o Light reactions: (Photo­lysis) conversion of light energy into ATP and NADPH o Dark reactions: Calvin Cycle (the thermo­che­mical stage) use of energy (ATP & NADPH) to form carboh­ydrates  Purpose of photos­ynt­hesis  Main biosyn­thetic pathway by which carbon and energy enter the web of life  Where it occurs – in the Chloro­plast  Light reactions - granum (several thylak­oids) and thylakoid membranes  Dark reactions - stroma
LIGHT REACTIONS (also light-­dep­endent reactions)  This part of photos­ynt­hesis occurs in the granum of a chloro­plast where light is absorbed by chloro­phyll; a type of photos­ynt­hetic pigment that converts the light to chemical energy. This reacts with water (H2O) and splits the oxygen and hydrogen molecules apart.  From this dissection of water (photolysis), the oxygen is released as a by-product while the reduced hydrogen acceptor makes its way to the second stage of photos­ynt­hesis, the Calvin cycle. - water is oxidized (hydrogen is removed) and energy is gained in photolysis which is required in the Calvin Light-­tra­pping molecule  Chloro­phyll (antenna chloro­phyll pick up light) o Transmits green and absorbs red and blue o Right wavelength of energy excites an electron of chloro­phyll o Inductive resonance carries excitation energy from molecule to molecule o Energy (P700 or P680) is transf­erred to an acceptor molecule  Two options for electron excitation energy – electrons originate from the breakdown of water which liberates hydrogen ions and oxygen o Non-cyclic photop­hos­pho­ryl­ation (Photo­system II-P680 and then Photos­ystem I – P680) - long pathway - Occurs in eukaryotic plants – algae, mosses, ferns, conifers, & flowering plants Oxygen and NADP are generated o Cyclic photop­hos­pho­ryl­ation – (Photo­system I –P700) – short pathway Occurs in prokar­yotes (Cyano­bac­teria) with electrons being used over and over again No oxygen or NADP are generated

Cell Death

Stem Cells are unspec­ialized that have the potential to differ­entiate into any type of cell o They are found in human embryos, umbilical cord blood and some adult cells o They are used to repair injuries as brain and spinal cord, cure some diseases as diabetes, and replace organs as liver tissue and heart valves Death of Cells – by injurious agents or by being induced to commit suicide Apoptosis - A form of cell death in which a programmed sequence of events leads to the elimin­ation of cells without releasing harmful substances into the surrou­nding area Necrosis - The uncont­rolled cell death that occurs as a response to lethal injury leading to a severe physical damage in the cell as well as the tissue containing it.


Structure of Viruses  Non-ce­llular infectious agent  Composed of DNA or RNA and a protein coat  Replicates only after its genetic material enters a host cell  Subverts the host’s metabolic machinery Viral Replic­ation  The process by which a virus reproduces itself within a living organism.  Involves turning infected cells into virus factories, which manufa­cture copies of the virus's genetic code and expel them to spread into the host body.  Turns the infected body against itself, using its own cells as tools of mass production and infection.

Protein Functions

Transport Proteins – that move chemicals into and out of the cell o Channel Proteins that form small openings for molecules (elect­rol­ytes) to diffuse through by means of passive transport o Carrier Proteins- binding site on protein surface "­gra­bs" certain molecules and pulls them into the cell (gated channels) – it involves active transport so energy is required 11  Receptor Proteins - molecular triggers that set off cell responses (such as release of hormones or opening of channel proteins)  Adhesion Proteins – attach cells to other cells or fibrous extrac­ellular material  Cell Recogn­ition Proteins - ID tags, to identify cells to the body's immune system  Enzymatic Proteins - carry out metabolic reactions  Structural Proteins – stabilize the cell
Turgor Pressure: In plant cells, water moving into the cell pushes the cell membrane up against the cell wall. The large central vacuole stores liquids and aids in mainta­ining turgor pressure. Loss of water from the vacuole or cytoplasm causes shrinkage of cellular contents or Plasmo­lysis. In plants cells it results in wilted tissue – in animal cells it may cause cell to collapse as with RBC’s.
Enzymes -  Enzymes are specific in their activity; each enzyme catalyzes the reaction of a single type of molecule or a group of closely related molecules  Enzymes are saturated by high substrate concen­tra­tions  Enzymes are released unchanged after catalyzing the conversion of reactants to products because they do take part in the reaction.  Enzymes are proteins (usually, some RNA molecules can act as enzymes); proteins are sensitive to changes in temper­ature and pH. They will change shape and become inactive. some enzymes are larger inactive molecule; activation involves enzymatic removal of some amino acids  Many enzymes contain non-pr­otein groups called cofactors  Co-fac­tors, usually metal or vitamin; others activated by additi­on/­removal of phosphate o Inorganic cofactors = metal ions o Organic cofactors = coenzymes (ex: vitamins)  Compet­itive Inhibition has the molecule binding at active site; it resembles the substrate and is overcome by increase in substrate concen­tration while Non-co­mpe­titive Inhibition has binding at a site other than the active site; its molecule is different than the substrate and it is not reversed by increased substrate but it may be irreve­rsible if it covalently alters the enzyme. It binds only to enzyme substrate complex

Chemical Reactions

Introd­uction - Types of chemical reactions  Endergonic: require energy  Exergoinc: give off energy  Catabolism: reactions breakdown large molecules and produce small molecules; Ex. Digestion of protein into amino acids  Anabolism: reactions requiring energy to make large molecules from small molecules; Ex: the synthesis of a protein from amino acids
Acids and Bases: Lewis defini­tion:  Acid-a substance that can take up an electron pair to form a covalent bond  Base-a substance that can donate an electron pair to form a covalent bond  H2O dissoc­iates into H+ ions and OH-  [H+ ] + [OH- ] = 1x10-14 moles/­liter (M)  pH = -log10 [H+]  Acid pH is from 0 to 7  Base pH is from 7 to 14  Conden­sation reaction-when two molecules are combined into one molecule with the release of one water molecule A + B == C + H2O Ex: 2 amino acids are joined together to form a dipeptide molecule  Hydrolysis reaction-when one molecule is broken into two molecules with the addition of water molecule C + H2O == A + B Ex: disacc­haride maltose + water == 2 glucose molecules  Reactive Organic Molecules o Hydroxyl group - strongly polar and highly reactive o Carbonyl group - weakly polar and highly reactive o Aldehyde o Ketone o Carboxyl group - strongly polar and acts as an acid o Amino group - polar and acts as a base o Phosphate group - acidic and polar o Sulfhydral group - readily oxidiz­ed-Two sulfhydral groups can bond together to form a disulfide bond