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CmpE 250 MT1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Courtesy of me - Say "Hi!" if you know who I am!

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Abstract Data Types (ADT)

Data Abstra­ction: Separation of a data type’s logical properties from its implem­ent­ation.
-Logical Properties
--What are the possible values? What operations will be needed?
--How can this be done in Java, C++, or any other progra­mming language?

ADT is a set of objects together with a set of operat­ions. A data type that does not describe or belong to any specific data, yet allows the specif­ication of organi­zation and manipu­lation of data.

List Operations

(First occurr­ence)

List Implem­ent­ations

Simple Array
Simple (Singly) Linked List

Stack - LIFO (Last In First Out) List Operations

Top (Peek)

Stack Implem­ent­ations

Operations take constant time. Size can grow/s­hrink easily.
Overflow: When element count in an array exceeds array size.
Underflow: Pop from an empty stack.

Evaluate infix expres­sions, 2 stacks algorithm (Dijks­tra):
--Value: Push onto the value stack.
--Operator: Push onto the operator stack.
--Left parent­hesis: Ignore.
--Right parent­hesis: Pop operator and two values; push the result of applying that operator to those values onto the operand (value) stack.

Queue - First In Last Out List Operations


Queue Implem­ent­ations

Circular Array (Circular Queue)
Linked List
-Calls to a call center
-Jobs in the printer
-Network operations on routers
-CPU usage queues


Collection of nodes such that:
Unless empty, trees have a root.
Remaining nodes are partit­ioned into trees themse­lves, called subtrees. Each subtree is connected by a directed edge from the root.
Number of subtrees of a node.
Leaf / Terminal Node
Node with degree 0.
Path from node1 to nodek
Length of the unique path from root to node.
Length of the longest downward path from the node to a leaf.
Height of a Tree
Height of the root.
For its implem­ent­ation, a node can hold:
-Its first child.
-Its next sibling.
Thus siblings would be held as a linked list.
Without parent­/pr­evious sibling inform­ation, each node holds only 2 refere­nces.

Binary Tree

Each node can have at most 2 children.
Full BT
When each node has 2 or 0 children.
Perfect BT
It's full and each leaf has the same depth.

Tree Traversal

Parent first.
Visit root. Traverse left subtree. Traverse right subtree.
Parent last.
Traverse left subtree. Traverse right subtree. Visit root.
Traverse left subtree. Visit root. Traverse right subtree

Search Tree ADT - Binary Search Tree

Provides inorder traversal.
Average case: Depth of all nodes on average log(N)
Balanced BST maintains all operations at h=O(logN) time

AVL (Adels­on-­Velskii and Landis) Tree

It's a BST.
Height of the left subtree and the right subtree differ by at most 1.
Empty tree has height -1.
Balancing After Insertion
Single Right Rotation
Single Right Rotation
Double Left-Right Rotation
Double Right-Left Rotation

Algorithm Analysis

Problem Solving: Life Cycle
Problem Definition
Functional Requir­ements
Calculate the mean of n numbers etc. What should the program do?
Nonfun­ctional Requir­ements
Perfor­mance Requir­ements: How fast should it run? etc. How should the program do? Can be considered as Quality Attributes
Algorithm Design
A clearly specified set of instru­ctions for the program to follow.
Knuth's Charac­ter­ization (5 properties as requir­ements for an algorithm)
0 or more, externally produced quantities
1 or more quantities
Clarity, precision of each instru­ction
The algorithm has to stop after a finite amount of steps
Each instru­ction has to be basic enough and feasible
Algorithm Analysis
Given an algorithm, will it satisfy the requir­ements?
Given a number of algorithms to perform the same comput­ation, which one is "­bes­t"?
The analysis required to estimate the "­res­ource use" of an algorithm
Space and Time Complexity
Bug fixes, version manage­ment, new features etc.

Space Complexity

Space Complexity
The amount of memory required by an algorithm to run to completion
Fixed Part
The size required to store certain data/v­ari­ables, that is indepe­ndent of the size of the problem, eg. name of the input/­output files,
Variable Part
Space needed by variables, whose size is dependent on the size of the problem.
c = constant, Sp = instance charac­ter­istics which depends on a particular instance


Control Flow
if... then... [else...]
while... do...
repeat... until...
for... do...
Indent­ation instead of braces
Method Declar­ation
Algorithm Method (arg [, arg...])
Method Call­tho­d(arg [, arg...])
Method­Return Value
return expression
Assignment ( = in code)
Equality Check (== in code)
Supers­cripts etc. mathem­atical formatting allowed
Experi­mental Approach
Can't always use
Low Level Algorithm Analysis Using Primitive Operations
Make an addition = 1 operation Calling a method or returning from a method = 1 operation Index in an array = 1 operation. Comparison = 1 operation, etc.
Method: Count the primitive operations to find O(f(n))
Growth rate of the running time T (n) is an intrinsic property of an algorithm
Not dependent on hardware.
Asymptotic Notation
Big-Oh, Big Omega, Big Theta, Little-Oh
Charac­ter­izing Algorithms As A Function Of Input Size
Solving Recursive Equations
by Repeated Substi­tution
T(N)=T­(N/­2)+­c=T­(N/­4)+­c+c­=...=T(N/2k)+kc, choose k = logN, T(N)=T­(1)­+cl­ogN­=Θ(­logN)
by Telesc­oping
+_____­___­___­_______ (cance­lling opposite terms)

Dictionary ADT

A collection of (key, value) pairs such that each key appears at most once
Idea: Use the key as the index inform­ation to reach the key
Key-Value Mapping

Dictionary Operations

Note: No operations that require ordering inform­ation

Dictionary Implem­ent­ations

Binary Search Trees
Hash Tables

Hash Table

Collision Resolving
Separate Chaining
(Open Hashing)
Open Addressing
(Closed Hashing - Probing Hash Tables)
--Open Hashing
Collisions are stored outside of the table
--Closed Hashing
Collisions are stored at another slot in the table
Separate Chaining
Each cell in the hash table is the head of a linked list
Elements are stored in the hash-s­pec­ified linked list
Records in the linked list can be ordered by:
order of insertion, key value, frequency of access
λ = Load Factor
λ ≈ n/Tabl­eSize
insert, find, remove take O(1+λ) on average
Closed Hashing (Probing Hash Tables)
hi(x) = (hash(x) + f(i)) mod TableSize, f(0)=0
f = Collision Resolution Strategy
--Linear Probing
--Quad­ratic Probing
--Double Hashing
Linear Probing
f(i)=i (linear function of i)
Primary Clustering
n<T­abl­eSize guarantees finding a free cell
Insertion time can get long due to blocks of occupied cells are formed
Primary Clustering : Any key that hashes into the cluster -even if the keys map to different values- will require several attempts to resolve collusion and then it will be added to the cluster.
Worst Case : find, insert
Deletion requires Lazy Deletion to not mess up the table
After many deletions may reorganize the table
Quadratic Probing
f(i)=i2 (quadratic function of i)
Eliminates primary clustering
Unless if TableSize prime and λ<1/2, cannot guarantee finding empty cell
Secondary Clustering
Elements that hash to the same position probe to the same altern­ative cells, clustering there
Double Hashing
f(i)=i­·hash2(x) (includes another hash function)
Example: hash2(x)=R - (x mod R), where R is a prime < TableSize
When λ too big, make bigger TableSize and rehash everyt­hing. Takes O(n) but happens rarely..
ALL Closed Hashing cannot work with λ = 1
--Quadratic probing can fail if λ > 0.5
--Linear probing and Double hashing are slow if λ > 0.5
Open Hashing becomes slow once λ > 2
Quadratic Probing Proof:

Cuckoo Hashing

2 hash tables
Only insert at the 1st table
Move the value in the 1st table if collision
May cause cycles but if λ<0.5, cycle probab­ility low. Still possible, so specify maximum iteration count after which you rehash.

Time Complexity

O(f(N)) = T(N)
T(N) ≤ cf(N) when N ≥ n0. Upper-­bound
Ω(g(N)) = T(N)
T(N) ≥ cf(N) when N ≥ n0. Lower-­bound
Θ(h(N)) = T(N)
T (N) = O(h(N)) and T (N) = Ω(h(N)) Tight-­bound (Exact)
o(p(N)) = T(N)
T(N) < cp(N) Strict Upper-­bound
f(N) is o(g(N)) if it's O(g(N)) but not Θ(g(N))
f(n)≤O­(g(n)) is the wrong usage. You need to say f(n) is (=) O(g(n))

Priority Queues (Heaps)

For applic­ations that require a sorted (but not fully sorted) order of procession of keys.
Jobs sent to a printer, Simulation Enviro­nments (Discrete Event Simula­tors)

Priority Queue Operations


Priority Queue Implem­ent­ations

Simple (Singly) Linked List
Insert O(1), deleteMin O(n)
Sorted Linked List
Insert O(n), deleteMin O(1)
Binary Search Tree (BST)
Θ(logn) average for insert and deleteMin
Binary Heap
Can implement as a single array, doesn't require links, O(logn) worst-case for insert and deleteMin
Parents can have d children
Leftist Heaps
Skew Heaps
Binomial Queues

Binary Heap

Classic method for priority queues
Simply called Heap
(Different from heap in dynamic memory allocation)
Structure Property
Heap is a complete binary tree
Complete binary tree is a BT filled comple­tely, except maybe for the bottom row, which is filled from left-t­o-right
Array implem­ent­ation:
For any element in position i:
--Left child is in position 2i
--Right child is in position 2i+1 (after left child)
--Parent in position ⌊i/2⌋
Order Property
Every parent is smaller than or equal to its children, so findMin is O(1)
A Max Heap is the reverse, allowing constant access to the max element

Binary Heap Methods

Insert element in position 0. Find its possible position, make an empty node, then percolate up until the new element can be put into the empty position.
Worst case runtime is O(logn)
Average runtime is constant
Delete­/make root empty, put the last element into array position 0, percolate down until the last element can be put into the empty position.
Worst case runtime is O(logn)
Average runtime is also O(logn) since an element at the bottom is likely to still go down to the bottom.
Building a Heap
Iterating insertion: O(NlogN) worst case. O(N) on average.
First fill the leafs. ~Half of the tree is filled already. Then, as you place the next elements, the subtrees will all be valid heaps - do percolate down. Thus O(logH­eight) operations for each node.
There are more high depth nodes than high height nodes in a heap thus buildHeap is a faster method, O(N) worst case
Sum of all heights:
S = logN + 2(logN - 1) + ... + 2k(logN - k), k=logN
2S = 2logN + ... + 2k+1(logN - k)
2S-S = 2+22+...+2k - logN since k=logN thus 2k+1(logN-k)=0
S = 2k+1-2-logN
S = 2N - logN - 2 thus O(N)
Sum of all depths:
S = 0 + 2·1 + 22·2 + ... + 2logN - 1·(logN - 1)
S = NlogN-2N+2 thus O(NlogN)

Priority Queue Applic­ations

Operating System Design
Some Graph Algorithms
Selection and Sorting Problems
Given a list of N elements, and an integer k, the selection problem is to find the kth smallest element.
Take N elements, apply buildHeap, do deleteMin k times.
If k=N, we get a sorted list. This is heapSort which is O(NlogN)
Discrete Event Simulation
Instead of experi­men­ting, put all events to happen in a queue. Advance clock to the next event each tick. Events are stored in a heap to find the next one easily.
A quantum unit