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Grade 10 Biology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cells, Systems and Cancer

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Benign Tumour - Does not affect the surrou­nding tissue, simply takes up space. These are non cancerous.
Malignant Tumour - Spreads into, or invades nearby tissues and can travel to distant places in the body to form new tumours. (Metas­tasis)


Cell Differ­ent­iat­ion

As organisms grow, they need specia­lized cells to preform certain life functions.
Cell differ­ent­iation refers to the stage of develo­pement where specia­lized cells are formed.
All cells in the body are made through Mitosis and they start off as identical cells called stem cells
Each stem cell has the ability to become a specia­lized cell.


Organ: A part of the body that is made up of cells and tissues that preform a specific function.

Stem Cells

Stem cells can be harvested from an umbilical cord or placenta after birth.
Larger amounts of stem cells can be obtained from unused fertilized embreyo.
Stem cells can be used to repair damaged tissue or organs.

Digestive system

The digestive system is an organ system that takes in food, digests it, and excretes the remaining waste. It is made up of the digestive track & accessory organs.

Digestive track

Stomach, - Mouth, esophagus, small intest­ines, large intestine, anus
The entire track is lined with epithelial tissue, and goblet cells are present. (They secrete mucus)
Functions of the mucus: Protects digestive track from digestive enzymes and allows the material to pass smoothly along.

3. Stomach

The stomach is a major organ in the digestive system.
Its main function is to hold & churn food to continue digestion. The stomach lining contains cells that produce digestive enzymes & acids.
The stomach is supplied with nerves that signal when we have had enough to eat.

The Circul­atory System

The circul­atory system’s main function is to transport substances throughout the body.
It moves nutrients from the intestines to the body’s cell.
Blood flows through the lungs to pick up oxygen and delivers it to cells.

Blood Vessels

3 Types of blood vessels:
Arteries: Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.
Veins: Carry oxygen­-poor blood towards the heart.
Capill­aries: Tiny blood vessels that connect veins & arteries. They have thin walls to allow substances to diffuse between blood and surrou­nding tissues. Oxygen & nutrients diffuse from blood into tissue, carbon dioxide & waste pass from tissues into blood to be disposed of.

Gas Exchange

• Capillary walls are thin
• Oxygen diffuses through capill­aries in alveoli into blood.
• Carbon dioxide in bloods­tream diffuses into alveoli

Gas Exchange

Tissues in Plants

Dermal Tissue → Covers outer surface of plant.
Vascular Tissue → Conducts materials within plant.
Ground Tissue → All tissue other than dermal or vascular.

Two types of vascular tissue

Elongated cells that transport water & minerals up from the roots
Phloem: Transport sugars throughout the plant

Tissues in Plants



Metastasis - The develo­ppement of secondary malignant tumours at a distance from an original tumour. Cells from the original tumour break through blood vessel walls to travel to other areas of the body.


- DNA mutation
- Cell avoids apoptosis (the process of programmed cell death)
- Hereditary
- Enviro­nme­ntally triggered: Carcin­ogens (Envir­onm­ental factors that cause cancer such as radiation, chemicals, and tobacco)

Levels of Organi­zat­ion

Levels of organi­zation

Multic­ellular organisms are made of many types of cells.
Each cell is specia­lized; specia­lized cells cannot survive on their own.
Cells work together as a part of a larger group of cells that collec­tively make up an organism.

Spec­ialized Cells

Cells specialize by producing different proteins.
Even though all the cells have the same genes in their DNA, not all the genes are ‘turned on’, allowing the cells to be different.

Digestive System

1. Mouth

The mouth begins the process of breaking down food.
It breaks down food in 2 ways: mechan­ically (using teeth and tongue) and chemically (using enzymes to break apart carb molecules)
Once the food is broken up & softened with saliva, it is swallowed and passed to the esophagus.

4. Intest­ines

The intestine connects the stomach to the anus. the intestine lining has cells thats produce mucus & contains many blood vessels.
Small Intestine
About 6 m long & narrow
Nutrients diffuse through the intestinal wall & into the bloods­tream
Large Intestine
About 1.5 m Long
Lining absorbs water from indige­stable food.

Parts of the Circul­atory System

Blood- Blood is a type of connective tissue that circulates throughout the body.
The Heart- Pumps oxygen rich blood to the body & pumps oxygen poor blood to the lungs for oxygen­ation.
Blood Vessels- The blood vessels form a network throughout the body to transport blood.

The Respir­atory System

The respir­atory system provides oxygen for the body and removes carbon dioxide through a process called gas exchange.

Respir­atory System

Nose & mouth: Openings to body. They warm, moisten, and filter air.
Pharynx: Throat - pathway for air to travel to tranchea.
Trachea: Wind pipe - pathway for air to travel to lungs
Bronchi: Two tubes that branch off from the trachea. They deliver air to lungs.
Bronch­ioles: Respon­sible for gas exchange inside alveoli
Alveoli: Small air sacs at the end of bronch­ioles; respon­sible for gas exchange.
Lungs: Two ballon like struct­ures, they release CO2 and take in O2
Diaphragm: Large sheet of muscle that moves up and down to aid in breathing.

Plant Cell Differ­ent­iat­ion

Plant cells undergo cell differ­ent­iation to become specia­lized.
Cells that are not specia­lized are called merist­ematic cells.
They are found at the tip of the plant.

Plant Growth

Apical Meristems: Tips of plant roots & shoots - allow plants to grow longer and develop specia­lized tissues.
Lateral Meristems: (side to side) Under bark in stems and roots of woody plants. Allows plants to grow wider and develop specia­lized tissues.

Role of a Leaf

Photos­ynt­hesis occurs in leaves.
Light + H2O + CO2 → C6H12O6 + O2

Leaf Structure


Diagnosing Cancer

Imaging tests: Create pictures of the inside of the patient's body. They help doctors detect tumors or abnorm­alities that could be cancer.
Biopsy: A small sample of tissue is taken from a suspicious area and examined under a microscope to check for cancer cells.
Laboratory Tests: Urine and blood tests help doctors identify abnorm­alities that can be caused by cancer.

Cancer Treate­ments

Chemot­herapy: Using powerful drugs to destroy cancer cells or stop their growth
Radiation therapy: Using high-e­nergy rays to target and kill cancer cells.
Surgery: Removing the tumour of affected tissue from the body.


Tissue - Collection of similar cells that preform a function
4 Major types of tissue: Epithe­lial, Connec­tive, Muscle, Nerve.

Nerve Tissue

Long, thin cells with fine branches at the ends capable of conducting electrical impulses.
Function: Sensory, commun­ication in the body, coordi­nation of body functions.

Muscle Tissue

Bundles of long cells called muscle fibres that contain specia­lized cells capable of shortening or contra­cting.
Function: Movement.

Epit­helial Tissue

Thin sheet of tightly packed cells covering surfaces and internal organs.
Function: Protection from dehydr­ation and creates low friction surface.

Conn­ective Tissue

Various cells and fibres held together by a liquid, solid, or gel matrix.
Function: Support and insulation

2. Esopha­gus

The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
It is made of smooth muscle tissue, which can contract and relax without conscious thought. This movement is controlled by nerve tissue.

Acc­essory Organs

The liver, pancreas, & gallbl­adder assist in digestion by supplying digestive enzymes.
The liver produces bile, a fluid that helps break down fats in food.
The pancreas produces insulin, an enzyme that regulates blood glucose levels.
The gallbl­adder stores the bile that the liver produces.


Blood has 4 compon­ents:
Red blood cells: Make up almost half of the blood’s volume and contain hemoglobin which gives the cells a red colour and allows them to transport oxygen.
White blood cells: Make up less than 1% of blood’s volume. They recognize & destroy bacteria and viruses.
Platelets: Make up less than 1% of the blood. They help with blood clotting.
Plasma: Makes up over half of the blood’s volume. It is a protei­n-rich liquid that carries the blood cells.

The Respir­atory System

Plant Functions

• Exchange gases with their surrou­ndings
• Transport water and nutrients around within their bodies
• Reproduce

Hierarchy of Plant Body

Plant body is divided into two parts; roots & shoot systems
The root system is made up of roots
The root system is respon­sible for anchoring the plant and absorbing water & minerals from soil and to store them.

Shoot System

Stem → Supports, transports material, stores food, protects.
Leaf → Supports, protects, is the site of photos­ynt­hesis, and reprod­uction.
Flower → Respon­sible for sexual reprod­uction, and stores food.

Upper Epidermis

Contains cuticle
Cuticle: waxy noncel­lular top coat of leaf that prevents water loss and controls gas exchange.

Palisade Layer

Major site of photos­ynt­hesis
Cells are tall and packed closely together
Cells help capture as much light as possible.

Spongy Mesophyll Layer

Loosely packed cells
Large air spaces between cells allow for gas exchange during photos­ynt­hesis.

Lower Epidermis

Contains stomata
Stomata: Pores surrounded by guard cells which regulate its opening.
Stomata open during the day and close at night.