REXX Language LogoArithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators
Boolean Operators
Concatenation Operators
You can force concatenation without a blank line by using the || operator. The abuttal operator is assumed between two terms that are not separated by another operator. This can occur when two terms are syntactically distinct, such as a literal string and a symbol, or when they are separated only by a comment. Concatenation: A (Z) Function Call: A(Z) Other Operators
Valid Symbols: Fred Albert.Hall WHERE? Valid Numbers: 12 '-17.9' 127.0650 73e+128 ' + 7.95E5 ' Constant example: .12345 Negative numbers in expressions must use quotes. The continuation character is used to continue a clause onto the next line. Common Commands
REXX Scripting Language Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by br0p0p
REXX Scripting Language (taken from IBM VSE/REXX Reference 6.1)
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.