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Multipass Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Multipass Set-Up and Command Line

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Multipass Commands

C:\> multipass find
lists all Multipass images available to launch [including Image Name, Alias, Version & Descri­ption]
C:\> multipass info core16
lists info for this instances
C:\> multipass info --all
displays system info for all running multipass instances
C:\> multipass launch core16
launches an image from the list by alias name [Only one primary instance can occur]
launch multiple images multipass launch core 16 bionic 18.04
C:\> multipass start image name [i.e.c­ore16]
C:\> multipass stop image name [i.e.c­ore16]
C:\> multipass suspend image name [i.e.c­ore16]
C:\> multipass restart image name [i.e.c­ore16]
C:\> multipass delete image name [i.e.c­ore16]
this command stops the instance from running but it will still appear in multipass find, making it recove­rable
C:\> multipass purge image name [i.e.c­ore16]
multipass purge destroys the instance with no recovery available
C:\> multipass recover image name [i.e.c­ore16]
multipass recover moves the instance from a deleted status to a stopped status
Yet to Be Defined
C:\> multipass set
C:\> multipass mount
C:\> multipass unmount

Multipass Primary Instance

Only one primary instance can occur
Any command run, which does not include an instance name, will be run against the primary instance

Multipass Find-S­creen Grab

Multipass Launch­-Screen Grab

Multipass info --all-­Screen Grab

Command Line

ubuntu­@pr­ima­ry:~$ free
displays available memory & disk space
ubuntu­@pr­ima­ry:~$ df
displays direct­ories w/ available space
Multipass Commands are run in your local machine terminal
Commands run against a Multipass vm are run within the vm itself