This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
The second most well-known web app flaw next to SQLi. |
OWASP: "Most prevalent flaw in web application today" |
More difficult to prevent than SQLi, RFI/LFI and Command Injection. |
Likely victim is the end user not the vulnerable app resulting in less incentive to address the flaws. |
HTML Injection
Provide maliciously crafted input that results in attacker-controlled HTML within the server's response. |
The primary goal is arbitrary HTML rendering by the victim browser. |
The lack of sanitization is the flaw but the victim is the rendering browser. |
Script Injection
XSS often feels like manifestation of HTML injection with JavaScript able to be injected. |
<script>alert("Hello!")</script> |
Origin of Trust
Origin Server Same-Origin Policy (SOP) |
Basic and critical security component of the web. THe goal is to make us feel safe. |
SOP is only meant to prevent code from one site accessing content sent from another origin-server. |
Requirements: Port: Important when using tools to target internal apps that use nonstandard ports Scheme/Protocol: HTTP/HTTPS most common difference encountered Host: The main source of variance and the focus of SOP restrictions |
Same-Origin determinations and SOP restrictions are governed by the browser. |
A browser will allow an externally sourced script because it sees the origin-server as requesting we fetch the externally sourced script. |
Can circumvent space limitations by externally sourcing scripts. This is not bypassing SOP but presenting scripts as if they came from the origin server. |
Goal isn't just to get code execution but to get the content as coming from a particular origin server. |
Popups and Alternatives
For initial testing and discovery of XSS simple popups work as POC. Not enough to demonstrate the risks of XSS. |
Classic: alert("hello"); |
Classic look more style: confirm("hello"); |
Alternative: prompt("Pick a number from 1-10", "5"); |
Classes of XSS
1. Reflected (non-persistent, type 2) |
2. Stored (persistent, type 1) |
3. DOM based (type 0) iis newer |
Self-XSS involves scammers tricking victims into copying commands into the address bar that leads to adversary controlled JavaScript execution |
Universal-XSS is typically not a web app flaw but instea a method of injecting JavaScript by means of exploiting a separate tool, the most common targets being browser and associated plugins. |
The goal is achieving JavaScript execution in the browser. The manner in which this is achieved differs by class.
Reflected XSS (Non-persistent)
Easiest to understand and simplest to discover |
Most commonly used example of XSS. |
Example:<script>alert("Hello!");</script> |
Input is dynamically added to the HTML without any encoding. |
Payloads are immediately delivered to the victim and will not persist for either the victim or other users. |
URL Encoding (Percent Encoding)
Can be used for filter bypass but must be mindful of proper encoding |
Burp Decoder will encode all characters even URLSafe characters, which can prove useful. |
ZAP will encode characters that the tool considers to be unsafe. |
Firefox Web Console is located inside the developer tools and will encode a parameter with the function encodeURIComponent() or if passed an entire URL encodeURI(). |
Each technique produces a unique encoded output but all function the same. |
Stored XSS (Persistent)
The other major type of XSS typically relevant to application assessments. |
The adversary's input will persist across additional interactions with the site. |
More difficult to discover and not reliant on social engineering. |
Common app functions with increased likelihood include blog comments, forum data, message functionality, log mechanisms, account profiles, support functionality. |
Any aspect of the app that facilitates communicating information to users or admins is important. |
Out-of-Band Stored XSS
Indirectly supplying input that results in JavaScript executing within a web app. Interaction s not always possible. |
Apps with more obvious OOB Stored XSS potential include web-based email clients and security device consoles (IDS, SIEM, Firewalls) |
Any app where OOB information we control has a high likelihood of being rendered. |
DOM Based XSS (Type 0)
Exploit still results in JavaScript execution. |
Primary victim is the client. |
Methods of discovery and exploitation similar to Reflected XSS because it most likely involves a dynamic request, non-persistent response, and social engineering. |
Distinguishing feature is server does not deliver the attack to the client. Instead the client-side of the application allows for malicious JavaScript execution. |
Server versus Client XSS
There can be non-persistent and persistent version of traditional and DOM based XSS. |