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JBI100 Visualization Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Summary of the course JBI100

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Introd­uction Nested Models

Nested Models

Understand the user, the data and tasks
Use domain specific vocabulary
Produce a set of tasks/­que­stions of target users on the data, on different levels
Data/task abstra­ction
Data described in generic (Visua­liz­ation) terms
Tasks described in generic (Visua­liz­ation) terms
Visual encodi­ng/­int­era­ction idiom
Design space, select visual encodings, define intera­ctions, etc.
layout algorithm, ordering, rendering, etc.

Dangers at each level

A mistake at the higher level cannot be corrected on the lower

Nested model - Validation


Visual encoding design

Data abstra­ction
What is shown?
Task abstra­ction
Why is the user looking at it?
Visual encoding and intera­ction
How is it shown?