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Bash - SED Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


# -n (default printing of pattern buffer)
sed 'p' # print twice
sed -n 'p' # cat

# -e (chain commands)
sed -e '1d' -e '3d' 

# -f (script file)
echo -e '1d\n3d' > cmd.txt
sed -f cmd.txt file.txt

Useful recipes

# Unix commands
sed '' file # cat file
sed '10q' # head
sed -n '$p' # tail
sed 'w file.bak' file # cp file file.bak
sed -n '$=' file # wc -l file
sed 'y/a/A/' # tr "a" "A"

# useful
sed -n '/^$/p' # show non-empty lines
sed 's/^#.*//g' # remove comments
sed '3,6 s/^/#/' # add comments

substitue -[a1[,a2]]s/p1/p2/[flags]

# occurrences
sed 's/foo/bar/' # only first
sed 's/foo/bar/2' # second
sed 's/foo/bar/g # global flag, all occurrences

sed -n 's/foo/bar/p' # print only changed lines
sed -n 's/foo/bar/w file' # writes to file
sed -n 's/FOO/bar/pi' # case insensitive

# uppercase - lowercase
sed -n 's@foo@\ufoo@p' # one letter uppercase
sed -n 's@foo@\Ufoo@p' # uppercase
sed -n 's@foo@\LFOO@p' # lowercase
sed -n 's@foo@\Ufoo\Ebar@p' # back to normal

# catching char
# with & (no regex, only one char)
sed 's/[[:digit:]]/Number &/'
# with catching group \( \)
sed 's@\(\w\+\) \(\w\+\)@\2 \1@' # re-order

regex - need escape

# catching group
\( \)
# occurrence
\{ \}
# logical or
^, $ and \` (beginning of pattern space)

print - [addre­ss1­[,a­ddr­ess2]]p

# line number
sed -n '3p'
sed -n '3,$p' # range ($ is end)

# pattern
sed -n '/foo/p'
sed -n '/foo/,/bar/p' # between matching lines

# + and ~
sed -n '3,+2p' # 3 and next 2 lines
sed -n '1~2p' # every two lines
same for delete - [addre­ss1­[,a­ddr­ess2]]d and write - [addre­ss1­[,a­ddr­ess2]]w file

insert - [address]i line

sed '4i text' # insert line above 4th
sed '/foo/i text'
same for append - [address]a line (below)

change -[address1[,address2]]c line

sed '3,6c line' # replace by single line (note)
consider range as single block

translate -[addr1[,addr2]]y/list1/list2/

echo "a b c" | sed 'y/abc/123/' # outputs 1 2 3
replace char i of list1 by char i of list2

line numbering -[address1[,address2]]=

sed -n '/foo/='
sed -n '$=' # wc -l
line number above every match

read - [address]r file

sed '3r file' # content of file after 3rd line

hidden char -[addr1[,addr2]]l [wrap]

sed -n 'l' # displays \t and \n as $
sed -n 'l len' # wraps line (\) after len char

quit - [address]q [exit code]

sed '3q' # stops execution after 3rd line

execute -[address1[,address2]]e cmd

sed '3e ls' # execute ls before 3rd line


# b label
sed -n ':label;s/^/-/;/---/!b label;p'
# t label
sed -n ':label;s/^/-/;/---/!t label;p'
goto if pattern matches

N and P

# N adds two lines to buffer, separated by '\n'
sed -n 'N;s/\n/,/p' # concatenate lines 2 by 2
# P print first part of N (before '\n')
sed -n 'N;P' # sed -n '1~2p'

n and x - load / exchange buffers

sed 'n' # cat

# exchange, load next, print
sed 'x;n;p' # sed -n '2~2p'

# exchange, load next, exchange, print
sed 'x;n;x;p' # sed -n '1~2p'

h and H - pattern to hold

# [address1[,address2]]h
# copies pattern to hold - overwrite hold
# exchange, print previous
sed -n '/foo/!h;/foo/{x;p}'

# [address1[,address2]]H
# append pattern to hold
# append current, exchange, print
sed -n '/foo/!h;/foo/{H;x;p}' # order (n-1, n)

g and G - hold to pattern

# [address1[,address2]]g
# copies hold to pattern - overwrite pattern
# print, copy previous, print
sed -n '/foo/!h;/foo/{p;g;p}' # order (n, n-1)

# [address1[,address2]]G
# append hold to pattern
# print, copy previous, print
sed -n '/foo/!h;/foo/{G;p}' # same as above