A cheat sheet for Kotlin basics for my CSCV 381 Mobile Device Programming class.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
//single-line |
comment |
/* multiline */ |
comment |
/* blah /* nested */ blah */ |
comment |
If - Else If - Else Example
val count = 42
if (count == 42) {
println ("I have the answer")
} else if (count > 35 && count < 49) {
printlin ("The answer is close")
} else {
println ("The answer eludes me.")
When Example
cal answerString = when {
count == 42 -> "I have the answer"
count > 35 -> "The answer is close."
else -> "The answer eludes me."
Array Examples
// once an array is created the size is fixed
val school = arrayOf("shark", "salmon", "minnow", 2)
//mixed type array
val numbers = intArrayOf(1,2,3)
//print array
for (element in school){
print(element + " ")
// concatenate arrays
array3 = array1 + array2
// initialize array with code
val array = Array (5) { it * 2}
elements cannot be added or removed, except by copying to a new array
can loop through elements and index at the same time
// create list, cannot be changed
val school = listOf("mackerel", "trout")
// create list, can be changed
val myList = mutableListOf("tuna'", "salmon") myList.remove("shark")
Functions Example
// create function
var count:Int = 42
fun generateAnswerString(): String {
val answerString = if (count ==42) {
"I have the answer."
} else {
"The anwer eludes me"
return answerString
Anonymous Function Example
//Anonymous functions
val stringLengthFunc: (String) -> Int = {input ->
// call anonymous function
val stringLength: Int = stringLengthFunc("Android")
Class Examples
//create class
class Car{
val wheels = listOf<Wheel>()
Data Types
Type |
Size(bits) |
Values |
Byte |
8 |
-128 to 127 |
Short |
16 |
-32768 to 32767 |
Int |
32 |
-231 to 231 -1 |
Long |
64 |
-263 to 263 - 1 |
Variable Declaration
val count : Int = 10 |
value can never change |
var count : Double = 10.01 |
value can change |
val eFloat : Float = 3.14f |
needs the f suffex |
val name: String? = null |
add ? to make a nullable value |
val name : String? = name!! |
not-null assertion operator throws exception if full |
variable interpolation: $count
Kotlin variables can't hold null values by default.
For Loop Examples
// print index and element
for ((index, element) in school.withIndex()){
println("Item at $index is $element\n")
//print range of numbers or letters
for (i in 'a'..'h') print (i)
for (i in 5 downTo 1 step 1.5) print(i)
While Examples
var bubbles = 0
while (bubbles < 50) {
println("$bubbles bubbles in the water/n")
do {
} while (bubbles > 50)
println("$bubbles bubbles in the water/n")
repeat(2) {
println("A fish is swimming.")
Function with Argument Example
// call function
val answerString = generateAnswerString()
// function with argument
fun generateAnswerString (countThreshold: Int) :String {
return answerString
// call function with argument
val answerString = generateAnswerString(42)
Void Function Example
// void function
fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int): Unit {
println("sum of $a and $b is ${a + b}")
Higher-Order Functions
// functions that can take functions as arguments
fun stringMapper(str:String, mapper: (String) -> Int): Int {
//Invoke function
return mapper(str)
//**anonymous function can be called outside the parenthesis
stringMapper("Android") { input ->