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My CompTIA Mistake compilation Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

All the mistakes I've made while answering practice questions on CompTIA ITF Fundamentals

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Type I (Bare metal)
Hypervisor is installed directly on the computer and interacts directly with its hardware
Type II
Hypervisor runs as a software applic­ation within a host operating system
Multiple systems can be installed and run simult­ane­ously on a single computer. No single specific operating system is required as a platform component

Common Computing Devices

Would laptops make good servers?
Laptops have limited options to expanding resources and storage, and therefore cannot compare to the perfor­mance of a full rack server, for example. A laptop is also not meant to run nonstop for long periods such as months or years. Overhe­ating and battery life will be proble­matic

Using a Workst­ation

show previews of the window and allow a user to quickly switch between them

Using an OS

Open Source OS:
Linux, Chromium, or Android
Commercial OS
Windows & MacOS
Key Combin­ations:
CTRL + F50
force the browser to ignore any locally cached files when refreshing a page
Ctrl and pressing either + or -
instruct the browser to either zoom in or zoom out.
Holding Ctrl + Alt + Del
bring up a page for account controls and locking the Windows session. This is not a browser hotkey combin­ation.
ALT + F4
will invoke a Windows function that closes the currently open window.
Windows 10:
Windows 10 Enterp­ris­e/W­indows 10 Enterprise (Long Term Servicing Channel) is similar to the Pro edition, but it is designed for licensing by large busine­sses.
Windows 10 Pro is designed for medium to large sized busine­sses, and comes with networking and management features designed to allow network admini­str­ators more control over each client device.
Windows 10 Home is designed for domestic small/home office business use.
Windows 10 Educat­ion/Pro Education has some of the same features as the Enterprise and Pro editions, but it is designed for licensing by schools and colleges.
The "­she­ll" provides an interface between the user and the computer. Early operating systems for PCs utilized comman­d-line interfaces or simple menu systems. Modern computers utilize a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a comman­d-line interface.
Your first step to open a file located on a network server is to open the Network object from Explorer and locate the server (computer) the file is hosted on.
Which of the following methods can be used to open the Computer Management console? (Select all that apply.)
Right-­click the This PC object in File Explorer.
Right-­click the Start button.

Managing an OS

protection feature in windows that prevents scripts or other software from performing admini­str­ative tasks without author­iza­tion. Using UAC, the user must input their creden­tials or click through an author­ization prompt before config­uration changes can be made.
A GUI is any interface that is controlled by a mouse, keyboard, and/or touchs­creen.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
allows users to interface with the operating system without using a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It is not recomm­ended for use by a standard user.
Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
provides a framework for building management consoles. The Service snap-in allows you to configure service properties as well as start and stop services.
Task Manager
allows only the starting, stopping, or restarting of services.
Admini­str­ators can assist you in changing your password, but you should be able to do that on your own.
Linux equivalent of Task Scheduler
Pagefile (swap file/v­irtual memory file)
It's a file that Windows uses as Virtual Memory. Virtual Memory is disk space Windows uses when it runs out of physical memory, or RAM.

Progra­mming and App Develo­pment

What is an interp­reted progra­mming language?
Interp­reted languages do not need to be compiled because the code gets converted to machine code at runtime
a code-like language that does not use a specific syntax for a particular progra­mming language. It contains many of the same features (like variables, functions, and condit­ional statem­ents) but it is generic and can be used as a guide to developing the actual source code.
condit­ional branch
Branches are instru­ctions to your computer to execute a different sequence of instru­ctions based on a condition. In this scenario, the condit­ional branch being used is called an IF-THE­N-ELSE statement.
progra­mming concept that allows for a variable size container. Vectors can grow or shrink in size as elements are added or removed.
markup language
A markup language is not considered a progra­mming language. It uses nested tags within a document to describe its structure and contents.
Compiled language
like C++, use syntax to perform actions which are compiled and linked resulting in an executable file.
a sequence of instru­ctions that is contin­ually repeated until a certain condition is reached. Typically, a certain process is done, such as getting an item of data and changing it, and then some condition is checked such as whether a counter has reached a prescribed number.
advantage of using a server over a workst­ation
If data is stored on the server and not on the local workst­ation, it is easier to apply access controls and to back it up.
will do something and return a value to the main program
A procedure just "does someth­ing­" without returning a value to the main program.
used in a program to access a program element, such as a stored value, class, method, or interface. For example, you might assign the identifier FirstName to a stored value that contains a user's first name. In essence, an identifier is a label for something within your program. If your identifier stores data, then it will be either a variable or a constant.
define an object?
Attrib­utes, methods, and proper­ties. Attributes are values and data types that define the object. Methods define what you can do to an object. Properties represent an altern­ative way of accessing a field publicly.
Batch files, Windows PowerShell scripts, and VB Scripts are the three scripting options commonly used in Windows 10 to perform admini­str­ative activities and other tasks.